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How to Cure Candida Yeast Infection? 3 Little-Known Methods That Eradicates Candida at Once!

By Ty Lamai

Candida is a condition which affects a lot of people (both male and female, adults and children). It is characterized by certain physical symptoms including redness, sores, itching, white vaginal discharges, and discomfort.

Candida is caused by the overgrowth of microscopic fungus in your body. While Candida can be painful, there exist ways to both soothe and cure Candida yeast infection completely using little-known methods that are economical and yet effective.

This article will reveal how to cure Candida yeast infection making use of these methods...

#1 Unpasteurized Yogurt...
This common household drink is one of the handiest ways to cure Candida yeast infection. You need to insert this kind of yogurt into your vagina at bed time. You can do this by applying it onto a tampon before inserting it in.

This can be very messy so you should wear a sanitary pad or panty liners. You should repeat this method for three to seven nights until you notice that the infection is gone.

You can also add to the efficacy of this method by drinking pasteurized yogurt containing acidophilus. You will know which yogurts contain this fungi-fighting enzyme by checking the label if it has "live cultures" written.

The truth is that many people do not understand this secret so they go around guzzling all the ineffective types of yogurts available and they keep wondering why their condition is never improving, in fact if you are not careful, your condition may even worsen.

Alternatively, you can use vinegar to cure your Candida yeast infection effectively...

#2 Vinegar...
Also common, vinegar is nevertheless an effective method to cure Candida yeast infection. What you need to do is get a qt. of water and mix it with 1 tablespoonful of vinegar.

After this is done, you should then douche with the water and vinegar solution which you have just made. Repeat this once daily until the infection is gone.

Another good method for curing Candida yeast infection is the use of over the counter medication...

#3 Over-The-Counter Medication...
Most of these require the use of an applicator to insert creams into your vagina at bedtime. Depending on which of the over-the-counter medication you opt for, you will need to repeat from three nights up to seven nights to see results.

Just ensure that you adhere to the directions written on the package for promised results. Examples of over-the-counter medication include, but are by no means limited to, the following; Monistat or Gyne-Lotrimin.


How to Cure Candida Yeast Infection

By Charlene Nuble
Expert Author Charlene Nuble

Candida yeast infection is a type of common fungal infection caused by any of the Candida group of fungal species. There are about 20 different species of Candida, but the most common is Candida albicans. The infection can affect warm and moist parts of the human body like vagina in women, penis or its foreskin among men, oral cavity, nostrils and the ear. Breastfeeding moms could also suffer from the condition in the nipple area, while babies suffer in the form of diaper rash. How to cure Candida yeast infection? Learn about its causes first.

Major cause identified with the onset of the infection is weak immune or natural body defense system. Some studies also established that intake of steroids and antibiotics can lead to the onset of Candida yeast infection. Other identified factors include menstruation, semen, intake of contraceptives, onset of diabetes and skin cuts in areas affected by profuse sweating.

Patients of course are interested greatly on how to cure Candida yeast infection. To know the best and effective cure, it would be advisable if the patient would seek professional and medical help. The infection is usually cured through taking prescribed dosages of antifungal drugs called antimycotics. These include fluconazole, topical nystatin, topical ketoconazole and clotrimazole.

How to cure yeast infection in affected babies? Hygiene would be typically important. Keeping diapers dry, clean and exposed to open air would help do the trick. Doing so would also serve as a cure for the problem in infants.

The problem of infection may at times go really severe. But if the patient would just be open and receptive about many and easy ways on how to cure candida yeast infection [http://stop-candida.blogspot.com/2007/09/how-to-cure-candida-yeast-infection.html], there would be total elimination of the condition.

Charlene J. Nuble is a healthcare professional who loves writing about women's issues, parenting and other health related stuffs. Click on the link to learn more about How to Cure Candida Yeast Infection [http://stop-candida.blogspot.com/2007/09/how-to-cure-candida-yeast-infection.html]...



How to Cure Candida Yeast Infection? 3 Secret Tips That Will Make You Candida - Free in Just Days!

By Ty Lamai

The aim of this article is to discover how to cure Candida yeast infection. This condition affects 75% of the populace worldwide and it does not seem to be abating any. Because of this it has become a condition that many people desire to know how to cure.

Candida yeast infection occurs when there is an overgrowth of microscopic fungi in your body. This condition is usually prevalent in the areas of your body which commonly retains moisture - armpit, mouth, genitalia.

Though severe and acute when left unattended to, the good news is that if handled early, there are numerous solutions to Candida. This article will show you how to cure Candida yeast infection using 3 such solutions...

#1 Potassium Sorbate...
Potassium sorbate is an ingredient used in local beer making. You can find it to buy in your local wine making store. Once you have gotten this ingredient, you should mix about 15 grams into 1 pint of water.

At bedtime, you will need to insert a tampon into your vagina after dipping it into the potassium sorbate solution. Once you are awake in the morning you should remove it. This process should be repeated for approximately seven nights. You may also take acidophilus as alternative way to cure Candida yeast infection...

#2 Acidophilus...
Present in some yogurts, acidophilus is a great way to combat yeast infection. It is also available in capsule form and can be purchased from health stores around you or within your neighborhood.

You should take note of a few things though; ensure that you follow the prescribed directions on the pack of the acidophilus capsule. Also ensure that you go for yogurt which has "live cultures" written on its label as these are the ones containing acidophilus; not many people are aware of this fact...

#3 Garlic...
This is one herb which is usually belittled because of its availability. The truth is that the fact that it is common does not negate its efficacy. Garlic is one of the most powerful herbs found locally and if you are looking for how to cure Candida yeast infection, you cannot afford to despise it.

Create a suppository using garlic by peeling a clove and wrapping it in gauze. Attach a thread to one end for easy retraction later. Insert the garlic suppository into your vagina at bed time and remove it once you wake up in the morning. Repeat as often as needed until the infection clears.


How to Cure Candida Yeast Infection

By Jing Dolenec
Expert Author Jing Dolenec

Candida is yeast that can be found in the body of human beings. There are almost 150 species of Candida. But all of these do not cause infection in the human beings. The growth of Candida in the body is limited with the help of the immune system in human beings. There are some good bacteria that protect the body from the harmful micro-organisms.

There are many women who suffer from the yeast infection. They need to cure Candida infection so that they can get rid of the irritating and embarrassing symptoms of the disease. The Candida infection is usually appears when the balance of the good bacteria in the vagina gets upset due to certain reasons.

The infection can be caused due to a number of reasons. To cure Candida infection you need to find out the actual cause behind it. Some of the causes of the infection are hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, douching, stress, oral contraceptives, diabetes, spreading of the yeast from the anus, antibiotics, diet, lubricants containing glycerin and anti-bacterials.

People usually get the Candida infection when their immune system becomes weak. The good bacteria get replaced by the harmful ones. Sometimes the yeast infection gets in the bloodstream and can cause greater infection. So it is better to treat the infection in its initial stages. The Candida infection has been found more in women than in the men. The men can get it from their female partners during sexual intercourse.

There are certain symptoms of this infection. You need to look out for the symptoms to understand that you have an infection. The symptoms are usually a burning and itching sensation along with a watery discharge.

You might also feel pain while urinating as well as during sexual intercourse. But sometimes you might have no symptoms at all. In fact having no symptoms is very common. Again there can be some severe symptoms as well. These symptoms might not belong only to the yeast infection. It can have some other reasons. So first of all you need to diagnose whether you are having a Candida yeast infection.

The diagnosis is usually done by the physicians. The physicians with the help of the microscopic examination and sometimes with the help of culturing can diagnose the yeast infection. So if you suffer from above symptoms you need to consult a doctor to make sure that you are suffering from the yeast infection.

It will be safe to know the actual cause of the symptoms and then find a suitable cure. You can also cure Candida yeast infection with the help of the doctors. The doctors might suggest you to take the anti-fungal drugs which are found as pills or creams or even suppositories. You can cure yeast infection with these medications but you cannot make sure that the infection won't come back. So everyone should look for some permanent cure for the yeast infection.


What is the Most Effective Option Available For Curing Candida Yeast Infection?

By Emma Taylors

A Candida yeast infection often takes hold when you are run down. This may be caused by overwork, too little sleep, unbalanced eating habits and high levels of stress. You can also become infected if you are exposed to a person with a high infection of Candida yeast. This will happen very quickly if your immune system has been compromised. Usually if a woman has a high infection of Candida it is passed on to her male partner. In this situation both partners should be treated. If you live a healthy lifestyle you will have a strong immune system.

A Candida yeast infection does cause health problems and this can happen to women, men, babies and older children. The symptoms are very unpleasant. It is important to start using a natural treatment as soon as you see the symptoms appearing. The most obvious signs of a yeast infection are redness, itching, burning, pain, fatigue, nausea and vomiting. The sooner you are able to put a stop to the fungal growth the better. If you also make every effort to strengthen your immune system there is little chance the infection will recur. The reason is because the only way to strengthen your immune system is by living a healthy lifestyle.

One of the most potent natural ingredients used to fight a Candida Yeast Infection is Artemisia Absinthium, also known as Wormwood. Wormwood is an anti-parisitic herb. This herb has been in use for many generations as a tonic for the digestive system. Nowadays, Wormwood can be bought as a supplement. Usually it is available as capsules that are taken with water. Wormwood is taken before a meal as it improves appetite, digestion and gets rid of yeast infections. However, it's not essential to eat after taking Wormwood because it will work just as well. The objective of taking Wormwood is to restore balance by killing off bad bacteria and allowing good bacteria to flourish.

Wormwood is extremely powerful and is proof that drugs and over the counter products full of chemicals aren't necessary. Another plus when using Wormwood is there are no side effects at all. If there are headaches and feelings of tiredness it is due to the Candida being rapidly reduced and not due to the herb. These symptoms are called 'Herxheimers Syndrome' and they don't last for more than three days. Once this happens recovery is quick and you will soon have a feeling of wellbeing and relief from a Candida Yeast Infection.

While using Wormwood do not use any other lactose based medication. Lactose should be avoided because it feeds Candida and will work against the Wormwood. It is also recommended that alcohol not be used while using this herb.

For in-depth information regarding the use of Wormwood you could see an herbalist or any other practitioner who practices natural medicine. However, Wormwood is available as a product that can be bought from selected pharmacies and also health stores. All you need to do is follow the instructions in order to rid your system of Candida yeast infection.


How to Cure Candida Yeast Infection During Pregnancy

By Don Parkers

When a woman gets pregnant, this is the best time in her life because it's a dream of every woman to have a baby. The pregnancy has excited her to the highest level. This is also the time when she is most prone to catch yeast infection. This infection does not affect her baby but makes her uncomfortable. The level of sugar is increased in the secretions during pregnancy. This increased level of sugar becomes the diet for yeast to grow.

If this infection is not cured on time then it could have its bad effects on the new born baby. During delivery, this bacterium will go in the mouth of the baby, which will have its long lasting effects on the baby. During pregnancy, the body is going through many hormonal changes which are unavoidable, so there is a chance of being attacked by yeast infection. It is better to take precautions and cure the disease on time, then to bear the pain.

Doctors will prescribe you a number of ointments and oral medicines but will not inform you the side effects they will leave in your body, which might have its bad effects on the baby as well. These virginal creams and antibiotics have a harmful ingredient called 'boric acid', used in rat and roach extermination and are harmful for the body. Therefore, this is not a good suggestion to cure yeast infection during pregnancy.

There are a number of natural ways of fighting against this problem but the question that arises here is these tips are good for the health of a pregnant women and her baby? The answer is, 'No'. One must be very careful in trying out these natural ingredients for the cure of yeast infection during pregnancy. No doubt, there are some natural ingredients like, apple cider vinegar, yogurts and garlic but one need to use it on regular basis in order to see its effects. Even then these ingredients are considered to just weaken the Candida infection and it attacks again on the body.

A pregnant lady should be very cautious of the natural ingredient, olive leaf extract. Although, this is a detox but it has more harmful effects. This ingredient needs an active secretion out of kidneys, leaving them to weaken slowly and one might suffer from fever, chills and muscular pains.

It is important to diagnose Candida yeast infections before you get its treatment done during pregnancy. There are several other fungal diseases which have the symptoms like one have in yeast infection but the treatment is different for both these diseases.

If the yeast infection is insidious then your doctor will prescribe a product which will give you relief from the pain you are going through this disease. These products are harmless and there is very less chance of passing this disease to your baby.

Most reasonable cure of this problem during pregnancy is a homeopathic Candida yeast treatment which is not harmful for the mother and the developing baby as well.


External Vaginal Yeast Infection - Cure Candida Yeast Infection Holistically!

By Joy Deschaine
Expert Author Joy Deschaine

Ahh, the joy of developing an external vaginal yeast infection! It even sounds yucky! The fact of the matter is that these types of infections are painful and annoying. The suffering is indescribable and you just want the itch gone....yesterday!

The tormenting burning and itching can just drive you crazy. If your infection seems to be external-meaning on the outside of the vagina, I can assure you that it will probably spread to the inner vaginal area. With this comes the wonderful discharge.

I can totally relate to the discomfort and irritation that vaginal yeast infections give us. Finding the right cure can be as equally irritating. You think you're cured then just as your infection seems to be gone another one starts. And once you are hurting and burning from the infection, you apply some of that fungal antibiotic cream and that just magnifies all of the pain times 10! You will probably have to wash it off immediately! How can something that is meant to cure a yeast infection actually cause more problems? I have not yet figured that one out!

Once one of these candida infections start, it doesn't take long for it to advance into a severe case. Especially if you are unaware of what you may be doing to help keep it going. I do know that you have to keep the area clean and dry as possible.

Changing your underwear and making sure they are made of cotton is a good move. You will also have to stop eating foods containing sugar and of course yeast. Yeast loves moisture, warmth and sugar so you don't want to help it thrive by giving it its favorites.

Now, instead of using those beautiful burning anti-fungal creams, you can use natural holistic ingredients that will cure your infection. Cider vinegar, yogurt and certain herbs can all kill off the yeast infection and bring your body's bacterial balance back under control. This will assure that you don't start a new candida infection. This seems like the way to go!

I know that with the anti-fungal creams, the infection is just basically covered up. Plus, the balance of your bacteria is left in a state where another infection can start. It doesn't sound like a very good choice of treatment if you ask me.

Ultimately an external vaginal yeast infection is best taken care of through steps In a holistic manner. You candida infection will be better addressed through using the natural remedies and then following it up with changes in lifestyle and diet. You can learn to tweak things just a bit so that you will not have to suffer with one of these infections ever again!


How to Cure Candida Yeast Infection - Realistic Tips For Chronic Sufferers

By Tiffay Craig

In this article I'm going to explain how to cure Candida yeast infection.

Prevent it from the start
You should try and prevent yeast infection from occurring in the first place. What you want to focus on is keeping a dry and ventilated area for your vagina. Here are a few tips.

-If you can, don't wear panties.

-If you aren't willing to do this, at least wear panties that are cotton.

-Shaving completely, or trimming is important for you to start doing.

-Try wearing skirts more often.

-Try not to wear slacks and pantyhose.

-Denim is extremely thick and won't allow your vagina to breath so try not to wear jeans.

These are a bit strict guidelines to follow but they will definitely help to prevent a yeast infection.


Creams are a popular way in how to cure a Candida yeast infection. An economical cream that you can consider is clotrimazole cream or vaginal tablets. They range from about $7 for a seven day application or about $12 for a three day application. Ticonazole cream are single applications, but a bit more expensive. Monistat-1 is about $18 while Vagistat-1 is around $15.

Important Points To Note:

Creams are a strategy in how to cure a candida yeast infection, but there is a big downside that you have to understand. This is that most treatments you'll come across, which includes creams, prescribed medication, and most home remedies only treat the symptoms of Candida, not why it occurred in the first place. This is why so many women deal with chronic yeast infections. To permanently remove your yeast infection, you have to internally treat its root cause. There are programs that offer natural ways to treat the root cause of your yeast infection. Its the most realistic way to eradicate you Candida for the long run.


Cure a Candida Yeast Infection Naturally and Permanently

By Pamela Arthur

If you have been wondering why the candida yeast infection keeps coming back again and again, it is because of some basic mistakes in the treatment. Most people rush for quick fixes to overcome the itching that drives them crazy. This strategy causes more harm in the long run in the form of chronic yeast infections.

A better way to handle this problem may be to go for a combination of remedies. Look at remedies to provide quick relief, however don't leave it there. Also look for remedies that attack the root cause of the problem so that you don't get repeated attacks.

What about overlap of remedies?

Chances of an overlap of remedies can be easily minimized. Once the quick fix remedy relieves you of the itching then go for a home remedy that can work towards correcting the root cause of the problem naturally. This can go on an ongoing basis so that you can keep recurrent yeast infections away.

Are there examples of home remedies that can be used on an ongoing basis?

One simple example is bathing in a tub with vinegar. Add a cup of vinegar to a bath tub full of war water. Bathe in this fashion once a week. This will help in maintaining the vaginal flora so that yeast organism does not strike.

Another step to cure candida yeast infection permanently is to include garlic in the foods you prepare. This can be done regularly on an ongoing basis so that your body benefits from the anti fungal properties of garlic.

Yet another technique to boost the immunity level and keep this infection at bay is to include probiotic items in your diet on a daily basis. This will make sure your body has enough of the good friendly bacteria at all times.


Yeast Infection Home Remedy - Permanently Eliminate Your Candida Yeast Infection Naturally

By Joy Deschaine
Expert Author Joy Deschaine

If a yeast infection has been haunting you and you would like information on a Yeast Infection Home Remedy then you have come to the right place!

Here we will go over what exactly a 'home remedy' is and why it is the very best option for treating any type of yeast infection, or candida overgrowth you may be suffering with.

Besides itching and burning, there are many other symptoms of a yeast infection. If you are in the midst of one now you may be experiencing stress and anxiety along with the usual symptoms. Asking yourself what you should do that will put an end to this pain and suffering once and for all?

Home Remedies for a candida overgrowth are very successful and effective. When you use one of these natural remedies, you will be addressing the infection at the root as well as dealing with the awful symptoms.

The symptoms are caused by an overabundance of yeast. This is because somehow the basic bacterial balance of your body has been disturbed in some way. Either through changes in hormones, stress or taking some medication for some other illness or infection.

Of course there are many more things that can cause disturbance in your bacterial balance, you will have to do some inventory as to what might have caused the development of your particular yeast overgrowth.

Using natural substances and ingredients like say cider vinegar or garlic, you can absolutely cure your infection. Combining these natural treatments with changes in your diet and lifestyle, you can easily eliminate your candida infection for good.

These natural remedies work with you and your body to naturally bring your bacterium back into a healthy balance. You will learn how to permanently cure your candida yeast infection forever. All this with no embarrassing Doctor's visits or the side effects of antibiotics or anti-fungals that are usually used to treat these types of infections.

The trouble with these "traditional" meds is that while they do treat the immediate symptoms, they can cause bigger problems. This is due to the fact of 'how' they work. You see, these medicines kill off the yeast overgrowth. This sounds reasonable right?

Well the medications, or anti-fungals, will also kill off the good bacteria that our body's need. It is this good bacterium that keeps the yeast or "bad" bacteria in balance. So if you kill off both the good and the bad, you are left with yet another imbalance and the perfect environment for another candida infection to begin!

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