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Deep Zen Meditation - Meditation Location

By Dave Leffler
Expert Author Dave Leffler

We explored the significance of Deep Zen Meditation to cultures around the world and how the meditative state may be a natural process.

Where can we meditate?

I've been in homes where special rooms are dedicated to meditation. They are dark, have a mat on the floor, are sound proofed, and have special music piped into the room. It's a wonderful place to meditate, but it's fun to figure out other places to meditate.

As you become more proficient at Deep Zen Meditation, more places become possible meditation locations. Let's use our imagination and explore some of the possibilities.

First let me say, there are some places that meditation could be tempting, but I recommend against it. For example, if your stuck in traffic, although tempting, don't try to meditate. If your operating heavy equipment, not a good place.

Men, if your wife is having a serious conversation with you, it's not a good time to meditate. And ladies, if you and your husband are in the throws of passion, it's not a good time to meditate.

With that said, here are some places where Deep Zen Meditation is much more practical.

While walking in the park, during a beautiful day, stop, sit on a park bench for 15 minutes and meditate. It will be a tremendous addition to your walk.

In the middle of your work day, or before a big meeting, close your office door and meditate. You will be surprised at the clarity meditation brings.

During long international flights, I would meditate. It really breaks up the flight. I would work on the flight and then meditate. I repeated that cycle by the hour. I've had some of my best ideas on international flights.

If you travel in the car, it can be a lonely place. After a difficult sales call or during a break, pull the car into a quiet parking lot and meditate. I see sales people in parking lots all the time. It's a great way to re-energize.

Moms, and God knows you've earned the right to meditate for 15 minutes, meditate while waiting to pick up the children, meditate at the salon, meditate while getting a manicure, pedicure, or massage. However, never put yourself in a position that the children are neglected while you meditate. Meditate while the children are napping. Perhaps the most difficult decision is to just stop your crazy day, take 15 minutes for yourself, and recharge your batteries with Deep Zen Meditation.

The possible locations to meditate are virtually limitless. Use your imagination, be safe, and improve the quality of your life with Deep Zen Meditation.


Deep Zen Meditation - Does it Cure?

By Dave Leffler
Expert Author Dave Leffler

Deep Zen Meditation as a cure, or a cure all for what ales the body is probably not a good idea. So why take the time to meditate? Why has meditation been around for thousands of years? I'll give you a hint. It's not just to pass the time!

Deep Zen Meditation can cure cancer just about as effectively as a heart surgeon can cure cancer. But, each has there own place and time. A heart surgeon sees his patients after the effects of unhealthy living take their toll on the heart muscle. Meditation gives one a chance to live a healthier and more balanced life and to possibly not have to visit that heart surgeon. Deep Zen Meditation can and is a very necessary maintenance function throughout your life.

Maintenance and moderation is the key to living a long and happy life. This means physical, emotional, and spiritual balance. Maintaining harmony and balance between these three is also critical in living a fulfilling life. Simply, Deep Zen Meditation can be the balance point or conductor to create physical, emotional, and spiritual harmony.

Maintenance is such a critical part of living good lives, and yet, many people don't recognize or take the time to develop a lifestyle that includes a maintenance function. Just look around you to spot where great maintenance plans impact your life.

I'll give you only one example here in the interest of time. Every time you step into a jet to fly, you are the benefactor of a maintenance plan that has been refined for many years. The record speaks for its self. Flying is much safer than driving a car. To that end, car maintenance has improved tremendously, as well.

Just think if you had a formal maintenance program for your body. It would include some type of exercise, some type of study, and some type of prayer to balance your life. Deep Zen Meditation facilitates all three exercises.

Meditation puts your mind in a state where it is possible to maintain all three factors. So indirectly, Deep Zen Meditation help with physical, emotional, and spiritual balance. That's why meditation has bee around for thousands of years, and is still prevalent today.

Next in my series, physical signs that meditation works. Deep Zen Meditation is a great way to refresh our bodies and minds.By using your imagination, you can meditate anywhere. For more information about Deep Zen Meditation, click on the links here.

Dave Leffler


Deep Zen Meditation - Wake Up Your Mental Giant

By Dave Leffler
Expert Author Dave Leffler

Deep Zen Meditation can assist you with the physical, mental and emotional aspects of life. Previously, I discussed meditation and how it complemented your physical well being. The connection is somewhat of a stretch for those new to Zen Meditation. In this article I explore meditation and the mental side of your life.

There is no stretch here. There is, perhaps, more correlation between Deep Zen Meditation and mental well being, than any other bodily function. A big part of meditation is mind control.

Successful meditation is about how well you manipulate your mind. It's not about letting your mind drift, it's not controlled daydreaming, it's not about thinking of one object, nor is it your ability to project your mind into another setting.

Most people don't realize that meditation is about controlling the mind. It's about your ability to fixate on a single thought. It's about fixating on that thought for an extended period of time. It's about not letting your mind drift away from that fixation. It's about total focus on that one thought to the exclusion of everything else. It's very hard to accomplish. That's why teachers of Deep Zen Meditation say it takes years to perfect.

Just think about what it would be like to have total focus and control of your brain. There is no question that you could get more done in a day with total focus. We all try to multitask with little success. Most of us think multitasking makes us more productive. Studies show evidence to the contrary. Most of the time multitasking allows us to get insignificant tasks done to the exclusion of bigger tasks and far more important tasks.

Deep Zen Meditation and focus also improve the quality of our work. The quality of our work improves significantly when we totally focus on the project at hand. We have better thoughts. They are more centered on the task at hand and they are greater in number. This alone should make you interested in meditation.

Last, recall how long you can concentrate on a single subject. Most of us drift away in less than a minute. Think about the advantages if you could focus in blocks of time. What would happen if you could focus 30 minutes at a time, or maybe even 60 minutes at a time. It would be a hugh advantage.

So this topic is easy to draw the correlation between Deep Zen Meditation and mental well being.

Next, I will discuss the correlation between meditation and emotional well being.

Deep Zen Meditation Keeps Me Physically Fit - No Way

By Dave Leffler
Expert Author Dave Leffler

Can Deep Zen Meditation keep you physically fit? I said, "No Way." I then started to think about meditation, what it means to be physically fit, and perhaps, how the two complement each other.

Certainly, you can't believe meditation has a direct impact on the physical body. I think of impacts to the physical body as, weight lifting, eating healthy, losing weight, jogging, and medications. Each of these activities, not only has a beneficial impact to the physical body, but, has a direct relationship to the physical.

If you weight lift, you can measure the results. If you eat healthy, you feel better and weigh less. If jogging, you experience the runners high. And, if properly medicated, positive physical results occur.

But it's not like that with meditation. Meditation works behind the scenes. It works as an assist or boost. In my mind, there is a constant battle about going to the gym or eating another Twinkie. Meditation, if done properly, gives me a boost of mental energy which is just enough to pass on the Twinkie and go to the gym. So meditation has an indirect impact on the physical.

Perhaps, even more of a direct impact to our physical being, is the affect Deep Zen Meditation has on your blood pressure. By lowering your blood pressure, even for a few minutes each day, has wonderful effects. All studies indicate that lowering blood pressure increases life span.

As I was standing in line at the pharmacy, about to pay my $30 for my prescriptions, there must be a cheaper way to stay healthy. There is a possibility that if we use Deep Zen Meditation in conjunction with our prescriptions, that we may be able to reduce the quantities or strength of medications, thereby saving money. But I must caution everyone reading this article, to never change anything to do with your prescriptions unless consulting with your doctor.

Well, there you have it, the correlation between Deep Zen Meditation and your physical being. It may be somewhat of a stretch, but I think all can see how meditation can improve the physical.


Just What is Deep Zen Meditation and Why Would You Want to Do It?

By Trevor Johnson
Expert Author Trevor Johnson

Put simply, deep Zen meditation is the modern way for you to achieve the same state of deep meditation that it takes Zen monks decades to learn how to reach. Which at first sight sounds impossible, so how does this work? Or is it just a scam to take your money?

Well, to reassure you, it isn't a scam. It's the result of years of scientific measurement and experimentation.

We've known for years that meditation causes the human mind to go into what could best be described as an altered state. And it doesn't need dangerous drugs or any other artificial stimulant to achieve this.

What we didn't know until fairly recently was how to induce that state. Instead, the only way we knew was to lock you up in a monastery, with next to no contact with the outside world and very little communication with others, and let you practice until eventually you "got it".

I don't know about you, but that idea doesn't excite me.

We're not alone - other people hunted for a shortcut and eventually found it with deep Zen meditation.

This uses a technology called binaural beats which plays two slightly different frequencies into your ears. Your brain tries to mold these two frequencies together and, in the process, it reaches a state of deep meditation.


Kind of. The technology behind it isn't exactly simple. Sure, playing the beats is easy. But knowing which frequencies trigger which brain states is less so.

Fortunately, you don't need to know how to do that. In much the same way that you likely don't know how your cell phone enables you to talk with another person somewhere in the world, you just rely on the technology.

Deep Zen Meditation - Is There a Shortcut?

By Dave Leffler
Expert Author Dave Leffler

We agree that it would be beneficial to meditate daily and Deep Zen Meditation would improve the quality of our life.

Now let's see, where do schedule the time to meditate? Do I do it before I exercise in the morning or after exercise? Do I meditate before my breakfast and coffee or after? Should I meditate before I get the kids up or after? I know, I'll just call the boss and tell her I'll be in the office about 30 minutes late, because I'm meditating.

Well, I know you get the point. We all are pressed for time. So the natural thing to do is to fit more activities into the same amount of time. We then try to compress activities to fit more into our schedule. It's like baking a cake at 475 degrees instead of 325 degrees to save time. Now we've ruined the cake, lost more time and have nothing to show for it.

So goes Deep Zen Meditation. Meditation is your mind and body taking action. It is not the process of an outside influence doing the work for you. At the very best, outside influences may be able to assist you. What do I mean by outside influences? It's all the media that promises miracle results. Miracles only come from one place.

I'm not saying don't purchase a product that claims to assist you with getting to a meditative state. However, I would be cautious about products the guarantee results, claim to reduce the amount of time it takes to meditate, or claims to be able to cure specific conditions or aliments. Personally, I would run away from those products. Most of these products are overpriced, over-hyped, and be wary of a scam.

I, personally use a product called Deep Zen Meditation. I use it only as an assist to set the mood and to start the process. From there, my mind and body must takeover and go through the process.

Just a final thought. If you meditate correctly, don't expect to become an expert overnight. Meditation is a learned skill. It takes time to master, but if perfected, it can yield wonderful results.

So don't try the shortcut. Put some effort and energy into Deep Zen Meditation.


Deep Zen Meditation - Harness Emotions

By Dave Leffler
Expert Author Dave Leffler

I've discussed the relationship of physical well being and mental well being to Deep Zen Meditation. Last, I want to discuss how meditation can control your emotions.

What the heck are emotions and how can meditation control your emotions?

In simplest terms, emotions are strong feelings that result in a behavior change.

How many times have we been in a situation where our emotions control us and we do something totally irrational? Examples that I can think of are athletes, coaches, and fans. Oh, and the classic example is the out-of-control hockey mom.

After the moment is over, how many times do we wish we reacted differently to the situation. Almost all the time regret sets in and we are left with the embarrassment and the consequences of the out-of-control moment.

On the other hand, it is a thing of beauty to watch someone handle a difficult situation with their emotions totally in control. I think about coaches and players that are interviewed after a losing effort.

So I ask myself, why does one person act calm and cool, and another person spiral out-of-control?

I know it must have something to do with controlling your emotions and I know meditation can control a number of mental and physical processes. Therefore, it makes sense to me that Deep Zen Meditation can have an impact on controlling your emotions.

How does one go about meditating to control emotions? Is there a special way to meditate to that will control emotions? Is there a way to turn emotions on and off effectively through meditation?

Meditation is really an experiment with your brain. It sharpens your will power, focus, and reactions. These benefits have a direct correlation to controlling your emotion.

Let your mind wander for a minute and ask yourself what life would be like if I could control my emotions during highly charged events? Or even this, how would your life be different today had you been able to control your emotions in the past.

Deep Zen Meditation interjects discipline into our emotional process. It gives you the ability to turn emotions on and off. If meditation can do that, essentially we have controlled our emotions.


Deep Zen Meditation Or Zen in 2010

By Dave Leffler
Expert Author Dave Leffler

It's 2010 and friends coax me to sit in a dark room, with my legs crossed, relax, think about nothing, and find the spiritual side of life? Yes, Deep Zen Meditation.

At one time, meditation was on my personal "do not go there" list along with pet rocks, copper bracelets, the Flowbee, and pyramid schemes. Meditation had nothing to contribute to my success or well being. At 18, who wants to get in touch with their spiritual side. I didn't even know there was a spiritual side to life. Besides, who wants to learn about a topic that is thousands of years old and came of age in Asia?

As we mature and get a little wisdom under our belts, it's possible to look at the world through a different pair of glasses and maybe even several different pair of glasses. Our needs change. We look for ways to relax, we experience stress in the workplace, our blood pressure naturally increases with age, pressure at home builds as we raise a family, we all have financial pressures, and then there is the commute. A different beast altogether and a topic for a different article.

So I looked for more and more for ways to escape the "grind". I slowly learned about meditation like, perhaps, most people. The topic of meditation would come up almost by accident. Sometimes I would watch a TV show about meditation, sometimes there would be an article about meditation in the news, sometimes the topic would arise in casual conversation, or as a sportsaholic, I would read about an athlete that enhanced their performance with meditation. It was one of those topics that never quite made it to my "to do" list and certainly never made it onto my "bucket list".

I eventually realized that there were entire cultures around the world that practiced meditation on a daily basis. When I realized this, it made me think that there may be something to meditation that I don't understand. Another turning point was when I traveled around the world. It became clear to me that different cultures had different ways of solving the same problems. This was a revelation to me because, for the first time, I could see that meditation was a means to an end that I had not given due consideration.


Deep Zen Meditation - Is Meditation As Natural As Breathing?

By Dave Leffler
Expert Author Dave Leffler

Deep Zen Meditation has proliferated around the globe. Just because it's a fringe activity in the U.S., doesn't mean it's not beneficial or worth some of your precious time.

I started to think about our different mental states and how varied they are each day. And then it dawned on me that perhaps one of those mental states was a quasi meditative state.

I started to remember, as a child, the times when, perhaps, I was meditating. How about, when you were in school, the teacher ask you to answer a question, and your mind was a million miles away from class. Could I have been in a meditative state?

How about reading a book. I can read several pages, only to wake up out my trance, and not remember anything that I had read. Was that a meditative state?

I can watch TV and not remember anything about the show I was watching. I would come back to full consciousness and couldn't believe I "blanked out" for that period of time.

Perhaps this is the scariest one of all. Have you been driving a vehicle and not remember the last few miles driven, or the worst, what color the traffic light was at the last intersection? This is some kind of meditative state!

Sometimes we call these "cat naps". Have you ever gone into a meditative state at your desk? Or better, have you been sitting at your desk, your head "bobs" downward. It felt like you may have fallen asleep only for an instant. Sometimes after a "head bob" I feel more alert than if I took a hour nap. What is that? Could it be some form of meditation?

A lot of these examples don't fit the classic definition of meditation, but the experience and results sure feel about the same. There are many times when I wish I could put myself in a meditative state for a few minutes to gather myself and get that "refreshed feeling". We've all seen people fighting to stay awake during a meeting or even in more embarrassing situations than that.

Perhaps meditation is a partial answer to our sleep starved society? Let's explore that angle in my next article about Deep Zen Meditation.


Looking For Deep Zen Meditating Tips?

By Warren Marion
Expert Author Warren Marion

Meditation is not a complex process. It is the simple practice of focusing your mind on a peaceful and quiet idea. And as you would expect, being in commune with nature helps achieve this in the best way. Here are a few more tips on improving your meditation experience and getting the best out of it.

o Pick a place that has abundant greenery. Any spot of natural beauty will do. Once you've decided on the place, make the time to go walking there, at your own pace. Don't hurry. Go through the natural surroundings, looking and feeling every bit of its beauty. Remember to notice how you feel: your skin, arms, legs and so on. Try and concentrate on the feeling of bliss you experience.

o Another option is to sit quietly and meditate on everything around you, instead of walking. Feel the wind, look at the trees around, listen to the chirping of tiny, unseen birds. Again, note in your mind everything you see or hear or feel.

These methods are very useful in reducing stress. They are derived from the importance Zen Meditation gives on "living the moment". It asks you to concentrate on the time at hand, and live this moment to the fullest. Zen Meditation is the art of giving your present your all, without longing or regret for the past, nor anxiety for the future - both major reasons for stress in our lives.
Here are other ways to practice meditation (while you're traveling, for instance):

o Begin by breathing in deeply five times. This is the first step to relaxation.

o Now focus your mind on the physical act of breathing. Think on the inhaling and the exhaling without trying to change the pace or intensity. Try and make your breathing feel tangible, palpable. Feel its physicality: it's warmth, weight, frequency and so on. Do this for up to five minutes and you will feel your mind calming right away.

o The next step is the primary act of meditation. Look out the window at the scenery that's going by without focusing on anything. Have a sweeping, blurred vision. Relax your eyes as they glance through the greenery and the surroundings - houses, buildings, grass, other cars, the sky and everything else that there is to see. Forget your "within" and concentrate on the "without" - the world outside you, let it fill you.

o Whenever your car stops, go back to step two and re-start the primary act when you begin moving again.

o Do not let this hamper your driving. If you're on a busy street, leave the meditation for later.

Your "Deep Zen" can be reached in seven years of isolation, as most monks do it. Or, in a few minutes. Which would you prefer? The second?

Just plug on your headphones to some calming, instrumental music and let it seep through you. It brings the meditative quality that isolation does. Just allow the music to calm you, to let you meditate in tranquility. This, for a few minutes everyday is all you need.

Zen Meditation allows you to focus on your problems and their root causes. Once you're able to fix your problems and meet them head-on, your work is completed and you don't feel stressed about anything any more.

Its medicinal value is proven to work all over the world. Meditation programs are among the most popular healing programs today. In the programs, your brain is attuned to sound waves in such a way that it echoes the waves' calming effect on your mind. Like a radio station in your own head which you can play whenever you want to!

Here's an excellent way to start enjoying the benefits of meditation

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