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Performance Exhausts Cure Those Hump Day Blues

By Mike Rosania
Expert Author Mike Rosania

A disheveled Mr. Sweeny hurries into the Social Studies room moments after the bell rings - late as usual. "Happy Hump Day!" the class yells. Patrick Sweeny has been teaching Social Studies for thirteen years now. You would think he would have gotten the routine down, but tardiness is no stranger to Mr. Sweeny. He is usually found darting through the halls, in a constant state of disarray - a pile of books under one arm, a briefcase under the other, coffee in one hand, a brown bag sack lunch in the other.

Style, on the other hand, is foreign language to him - it went extinct with dinosaurs as far as Patrick Sweeny is concerned. One might think his wardrobe was similar to that of a superhero's closet, consisting of multiple pairs of the same outfit, but the remnants of chalk dust and pit stains allude to a different, less exciting story.

"Hump day. I wish..." mumbles Mr. Sweeny softly under his breathe. Poor ole Sweeny boy hasn't enjoyed the company of a woman in years, maybe decades. But can you blame him? Receding hairlines and bad hygiene aren't exactly in style these days; well, maybe bad hygiene.

"Hey Mr. Sweeny, what are we learning about today?" asked Samantha Wilcott, a future valedictorian.

"Why don't we start by going over last night's homework? Everyone please take it out-"

"Sweeny, I want to see you out in the hall," boomed Principle Harrison's deep voice. He had the perfect voice for a principle. His vocal chords had the power to send chills down a freshman's spine, the power to break up a fist fight, the power to sing "Chocolate Rain."

The kids in the classroom could hear the bass from Principle Harrison's voice echoing, "Sweeny, do you have any idea how many times you've been late this year?"

Sweeny start to stammer, "Well... I uh...Can't recall the exact -"

"38! 38 gosh dern days. If you were a student you'd be held back. If you were my kid you'd be grounded. Heck, if this were taxes, you'd be arrested!"

Sweeny just stood there with his head hanging, finally noticing the chalk dust covering his shirt. "Point taken Greg." Greg was Principal Harrison's first name.

"I don't mean to come down you, but you need to make it here on time. If you can't, I will find someone who can."

"I know Greg, it's just the traffic.."

"Sweeny! I don't want to hear it. I don't care if you drive down the street blasting air horn, yelling 'Get out my way! Just get here on time."

Sweeny nodded and returned to the classroom. He wasn't in the mood for teaching anymore, or talking at all for that matter. So he passed out a quiz and sat as his desk in silence.

The problem isn't that he is lazy. The problem is that he is extremely disorganized. From the moment he wakes up, Mr. Sweeny is constantly playing catch up. Today he was out of toothpaste. If it's not toothpaste he's out of, it's milk, or ink for his printer, or something else. He then has to drive over to the market to get his supplies and ends up being late for work.

Hmmm, Mr. Sweeny silently pondered ways of beating traffic while his class completed the quiz. "An air horn is just ridiculous," thought Sweeny. A loud horn would be bit obnoxious as well. At that time, gazing out the window, Sweeny spotted Brock Landing flying into the parking lot in his suped up 'stang. The car's growl excited something in the melancholy teacher. He felt alive.

And it hit him like Babe Ruth knocking one out of the park. He needed something, like Principle Harrison's voice, that would let people know that he was coming and they better watch out. So that day, he went over to his local auto body shop and had them install the loudest, most bad-A exhaust they had.

When they were done, Sweeny got behind the wheel and fired her up. Vrooooom. Wow, that's loud. The next day, as Sweeny drove down the road every car politely moved onto the shoulder to get out of way for Sweeny's screaming machine. He made it class on time and every day after that.


Are You Exhausted and Tired? - Some Advice For You

By Knut Holt
Expert Author Knut Holt

Many people go through each day feeling exhausted and tired mentally and physically or feeling constantly sleepy. Sometimes this is merely a feeling that is tempting you to reduce your physical and mental activity level. Other times the feeling is combined with a real physical weakness and a reduced ability for mental activities.

Often however, you will not be that weak as you feel, and the hidden strength that you have can be a help to overcome your problem.


Chronic fatigue syndrome is a neurological disease that often occur suddenly and often after a viral infection. The main symptoms of the disease is emotional, cognitive and physical exhaustion and feeling of being sleepy and tired. Other common symptoms are poor sleep, joint and muscle pain, sore throat and tender lymph nodes.

The symptoms tend to aggravate after a short period of activity and are not well settled by sleep or rest. The symptoms must have existed at least in 6 months for the diagnoses to be given and there must not be another specific disease present that have tiredness as a main symptom.

Common diseases that often causes tiredness are hypothyroidism, sleep disturbances, depression, anemia and fibromyalgia. Nearly any kind of chronic disease will have tiredness as a symptom. Tiredness will also often rise from conditions like diabetes, cancers, inflammatory bowel diseases, celiac disease and heart insufficiency. Chronic tiredness should always be investigated by a doctor because it can be a sign of something serious.

Often however tiredness is a result of a bad lifestyle with a poor diet, excessive work, stress, lack of exercise and bad sleeping habits. If the life situation gives constant struggle and worry, chronic tiredness will often be a result. Also where there is a specific disease causing the symptoms, lifestyle causes may contribute too.

Deficiency of vitamins and minerals often contribute to tiredness and exhaustion, and such deficiency is often directly caused by a bad diet. Many people have iron deficiency. Such deficiency will give general symptoms, for example exhaustion, before the blood count is affected.


Here are some practical advices that may be helpful for tiredness caused by bad lifestyle and also help to decrease the tiredness by chronic diseases in addition to specific treatment against the actual disease..

- Get enough sleep. Try to go to bed before 11 o'clock each evening and sleep at least.7 hours. Taking a siesta in the middle of the day and sleep somewhat less in the night can also work well.

- Regular exercise are very effective against chronic tiredness and exhaustion, and to improve sleep quality. Condition exercises like swimming, running cycling and skiing have the best effect. The exercises must of course be adjusted to your medical situation.

The feeling of exhaustion will tempt you to stay away from physical activities. But when you overcome that temptation and start a session of exercise, you will often discover that you are stronger than you thought, and the feeling of tiredness will often suddenly decrease drastically some minutes after starting the activity.

- Do some regular yoga exercises, for example at the days you do not do condition training. These exercises stimulate the internal organs to work better. The internal organs support the whole body with distribution of oxygen and nutrients and with elimination of waste. By chronic tiredness these functions often work poorly.

- Some regular meditation can help you to relax and give you good sleep, and thereby make you less tired. Meditation also stimulates your internal organs to work better.

- A good diet with all necessary nutrients will counteract tiredness and exhaustion. You should eat 3-4 good meals each day.

In each meal there should have some ingredients giving energy like full corn bread, cereals, beans, peas, potatoes and sweet fruit. There should be some protein sources like lean meat, fish, poultry, seafood, mushrooms and lean dairy products.

You should also eat some almonds, sunflower seeds and nuts. These food types both give you a healthy type of fat and protein. Each meal should also contain some vegetables and fruits.

- An extra supply of vitamins and minerals can sometimes help to overcome tiredness. It is for example important to get enough iron. Too much iron will however be bad for the health and give the opposite effect.

- You should reduce the consume of sweets, sweetened drinks, cakes, snoops and fast food.

- Some coffee and tea can help you to overcome tiredness. Too much of these stimulate however, will give you bad sleep quality and contribute to chronic tiredness.

Anxiety Can Be Caused by Exhaustion

By Katherine Carter

Why is it that only some people experience anxiety and others are never confronted with it?

"Why me?" is a common question that arises for anyone who regularly feels anxious. They wonder why it is just them who have to deal with this harrowing experience, while others never have it.

In my opinion, some people are more vulnerable to experiencing anxiety than others and one of the main causes is usually exhaustion. This not only includes physical exhaustion (caused by intensive workouts, hard days at work or drastic diets), but also mental and emotional exhaustion.

Having a busy schedule and frequently being in nerve-wracking situations, while never taking the necessary steps to relieve stress can suddenly start having panic attacks with panic. This is because the stress and emotional burden keeps building up, until the point when all the pressure has to be released and this usually occurs in the form of a panic attack that seems to have no apparent reason.

In other cases, emotional exhaustion can be triggered by the natural process of grieving that occurs after losing a loved one or the breakdown of a marriage.

In the situations when anxiety is triggered by a traumatic event, it only appears after the event has ended and belongs to the past.

People seem to be coping well with dramatic situations; yet after the event has ended weeks or even months later, an intense feeling of anxiety starts to kick in. This appears to outsiders as if they have been numb until that moment, and they've only started to take in the consequences of what happened.

It is important to always keep in mind the fact that panic attacks and anxiety can be relieved and controlled. There are many ways you can treat them and it is essential to your well-being to get help as soon as possible.

The first step in getting help is to visit your physician for a checkup. This can identify the cause of your problems, whether it is anxiety or a physical illness you weren't aware of. If the root problem is indeed anxiety, take all the necessary steps to cure it through identifying anxiety and symptoms.

Don't make the mistake of waiting it out. Panic syndrome doesn't suddenly subside on its own, without proper treatment. If you ignore it while thinking it might go away on its own, you could spend many months and even years battling with a condition that can be cured a lot faster. Cures of anxiety are available through natural treatment.

Insomnia Relief - How You Can Cure It Without a Prescription

By Danna Schneider
Expert Author Danna Schneider

Insomnia - Natural Cures

Insomnia is a common problem today, especially in women and men with high stress lifestyles or a history of depression or anxiety. There are natural supplements that will help you fall asleep, and dramatically improve your overall sleep quality, making for many well rested and productive days ahead.

Not only is it a common problem for people, but more specifically, it does tend to affect women - more specifically women past the age of forty - more often and with greater frequency and severity. Lack of sleep can have a devastating impact on one's life. Insomnia has been shown to result in poor focus, productivity, and even to manifest itself in further depression, anxiety and exhaustion.

Mental and physical exhaustion, the ultimate end result of insomnia is a problem that, to say the least, is difficult to live with and has even ruined careers, marriages and other important relationships. Exhaustion and sleep deprivation lead to alterations in personality, lack of will to function and live a quality life, and extreme moodiness and frustration.

There are actually natural supplements that cure insomnia very effectively. In fact, some users even comment that it has worked equivalent to or better than prescription sleep medications they have taken in the past.

Herbal Remedies for Insomnia - What's In Them That Makes Them Work So Efficiently?

Well, the answer to that is twofold. First, the remedy is going to be more effective if it is engineered with quality, potent herbs that are fresh, and have not been dramatically altered from their original state. There are several categories of herbal plants and botanicals that are commonly used today in sleep remedies, and have actually been used for centuries by holistic doctors as alternative treatments for patients with insomnia.

Keep in mind, the best natural insomnia remedies will actually combine several herbs. This way, instead of just getting one benefit, you are getting a synergy of the most effective plants and botanics which target different areas of the brain and nerves to induce calming, relaxation and ultimately, fast sleep.

The categories of herbs and natural compounds used in effective sleep remedies typically will be the following:

1.) Hypnotics

2.) Nerve or Nervine Relaxants

3.) Antispasmodics (Essentially Natural Muscle Relaxers)

4.) Nerve or Nervine Tonics

The effective combination of these types of herbs has ultimately created effective and safe alternatives to sleep medications such as Ambien and Lunesta, with no known side effects, as with their prescription counterparts.

Why Natural Insomnia Cures are Safer

Side effects and warnings for prescription and over the counter or OTC sleep aids have a wide range - from fatal overdose, especially when combined with alcohol or other drugs, impaired coordination and memory, driving skills, and thinking, interference with breathing, dependency, tolerance (taking larger and larger doses to maintain effects), possible kidney liver and lung damage, and confusion or hallucinations.

That's a list that's is a little too long and a little too scary to be taken lightly. Bottom line, if you have trouble sleeping and would like to enjoy a peaceful and complete night's rest, a natural cure for insomnia is very likely to be your knight in shining armor.


Cure to Diabetes - Discover How You Can Prevent Diabetes by Losing Body Fat

By Chirag Shivnani

In my earlier article, I mentioned about the diseases caused because of 'extra' body fat. Diabetes was one of them and it can trigger heart problems. In this article, I will be focusing on diabetes; type 2 diabetes to be precise.

What is Type 2 Diabetes?

Type 1 Diabetes occurs when our body's immune system attacks and destroys the cells of the pancreas that produce insulin while Type 2 Diabetes is a little different. Here, a person still produces insulin but the body does not respond to it normally. Glucose, whose job is to supply energy to the cells, so that our body does not feel exhausted, is able to enter the cells less than normal (this is called diabetes insulin resistance).What happens then? It causes blood sugar level to rise producing more insulin and then the pancreas wear out making your body exhausted even though you have worked only for a little while. Glucose problem is also there within over-weight people who do not have diabetes. Now you know, why you get so exhausted by running for hardly 30 seconds. So, is there a cure to diabetes? First let us know more about diabetes.

What risks are involved in Diabetes?

In Diabetic patients, there is a lack of either in the production of insulin (Type 1) or in its action (Type 2), because of which, our body loses the ability to utilize blood sugar and excess blood sugar is transformed into fat that leads to fat levels in the blood. Also, because of this fat, our blood vessels to the heart get blocked which reduces blood supply and creating heart problems.

Diabetes Symptoms:

o Heart attack that includes chest pain, back pain, pain in the neck, arms or jaw.
o Indigestion
o Shortness of breath
o Sweating
o Nausea
o Light headedness

Also, in some diabetic patients, the disease is present without any symptoms and they realize it only after they go for a check-up after a recent heart attack. The lack of symptoms can fool a person into believing that he is fit and fine. So you should get checked-up on a regular basis.

Now listen very carefully:


What Causes Chronic Exhaustion? The Most Common Cause of Chronic Fatigue!

By Jessica D Dale

What causes chronic exhaustion? Most of the cases are due to CFS; learn to spot the most common causes of chronic fatigue syndrome. Very little information is really known about this health disorder that has affected many people all around the world; but just because this complex health issue is largely unknown does not mean that you can't learn to spot the most common symptoms.

CFS symptoms are very similar in those associated with well known health problems such as Mononucleosis, Fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, Influenza, and many others. That is why chronic fatigue syndrome is very hard to diagnose, or to even get a doctor to look at this culprit as to the reason why one is feeling the way that they are.

Many of the symptoms common with CFS include the following: extreme exhaustion, persistent tiredness, lack of energy and stamina, fevers, chills, hearth palpitations, depression, irritability, and the inability to concentrate or focus as before. Of course these are the main symptoms, but there are some minor ones to keep an eye out for such as reoccurring or lingering headaches, sore muscles, swollen joints, sore throat, and disorientation. Keep in mind that those symptoms listed here are in no way all of the ones that can be found with chronic fatigue syndrome.

But with all things, if you suffer from one or more of the above symptoms, then it is best to seek out a medical professional. Discuss your concerns and symptoms with them, and they will be able to run a full regimen of tests and exams to rule out certain health issues to narrow their long list of problems. There is no cure for this disorder, yet there are medicines that can be prescribed to offer temporary relief making one feel as if they are getting better.


Reasons For Always Feeling Chronic Fatigue - How to Cure Fatigue

By Beverly Wiedemann
Expert Author Beverly Wiedemann

We have been programmed to believe that as you age you just get tired, you just can not do the things you used to enjoy doing anymore, and as that may be true you do not have to take it laying down.

Fatigue and exhaustion whether it be emotional, physical or mental dose not have to come with the territory. There is a simple solution to get you back on your feet and feeling your best quickly.

There are many causes for fatigue and exhaustion but at the root of it all there could simply be an enzyme imbalance that can be corrected naturally and effectively.

I too used to suffer from exhaustion, constantly tired, poor mental concentration and had nothing to give emotionally but as I began to research I found that it was not my fault and if you are suffering from these symptoms also, it is not your fault either, we simply were never taught how to replenish and conserve our energy.

If you are needlessly suffering from symptoms of fatigue and exhaustion you owe it to yourself to stop suffering and heal yourself from the inside out.

As one famous Playwright once said "Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation."

Please take this opportunity to help me help you restore your energy levels to your fullest, safely, effectively and naturally. Get your spark back and begin living once again. If you are discontented and would like to make a positive change in your life you just need to take the first step.



Can Barely Get Up in the Morning? If You're Exhausted in the Morning, Here's Why!

By Jessica D Dale

Do you find that you can barely get up in the morning? Always exhausted even though you had eight or nine full hours of rest? If you are exhausted in the morning, here's why. This article will explore the possibility of alternative health causes that can create fatigue in one's body, or chronic fatigue syndrome; please keep in mind that the information contained herein are not widely accepted by the conventional medical world; although they are common conversations that people will have with those professionals who run in the alternative medical circles.

This exhaustion, fatigue or tiredness can be caused by chronic fatigue syndrome, while very little is known to the modern medical world on what causes CFS to occur; but in the homeopathic world you will be given one of three causes and most times they occur simultaneously.

These three causes include:

A fungal infection due to an overgrowth of candida yeast in the body, especially in the lower intestines; everyone's body produces low levels of candida yeast, yet when a person has had prolonged exposure to prescription medicines and antibiotics this yeast grows to high levels. When this happens the person suffers from an overgrowth of candida and they are inflicted with a fungal infection that wears down one's immune system and causes adrenal glands to slow down or stop working properly causing the infected person to become fatigued and tired.
A parasitic infection due to microorganisms found in the body; anytime someone eats or drinks something they are ingesting these parasites into their body. While low doses of these pests are not harmful, larger doses can cause health problems. These parasites feed off the nutrients in a person's body, causing that person to have a deficiency in those important nutrients that keep them going on a daily basis. When this happens the immune system lowers its defenses and allows other illnesses to step right in causing problems for the infected person.
Poisoning from heavy metals found within the environment surrounding everyone; these metals if absorbed or ingested in large quantities can cause the body to become toxic. Some of the more common metals that people absorb or come into contact daily include lead, arsenic, and mercury. When a person gets what is known as heavy metal poisoning their immune system and other functions of their body begin to shut down, leaving them weak, tired and drained.

While these causes sound frightening at best, they are easily controlled with natural remedies such as herbs and spices, and specific cleanses. All of these treatments can be obtained from natural health food suppliers for alternative health; and usually within a week of this kind of treatments the infected person begins to feel better and more energized.


Cure For Chronic Fatigue - How to Cure Chronic Fatigue Naturally

By Beverly Wiedemann
Expert Author Beverly Wiedemann

In this article we will follow a mother in her daily activities and discover exactly how much energy and what types of energy it takes to raise a family, hold down a career and be a wife and mother.

We will explain the different types of energy used to accomplish this, how you can naturally replenish all of your energies and never needlessly suffer through another exhausting day again.

There are many causes for fatigue but at the root of it all you could simply be lacking a key enzyme essential to the production of energy at the cellular level.

Please take this opportunity to help me help you, restore your energy levels, get back into the swing of things and let your loved ones see that certain spark again.

As wives and mothers we give our all and sometimes feel that our all is not good enough. Well let me assure you that there is a way to get back your vitality,energy and stop feeling guilty because you were just too tired to play catch today. By replenishing this vital enzyme you will not only want to play catch, board games etc. It will not seem like work, you will enjoy it, you will want to do it because your natural balance will be restored.

Fatigue and exhaustion,whether it is physical or emotional or just plain being tired all of the time dose not have to come with the territory, you can have a life and live it to its fullest.


Using Alternative Remedies in Your Search for a Chronic Fatigue Cure

By Mayoor Patel

To suffer with chronic fatigue is certainly not the type of condition that a human being wishes to have to deal with. After all, a constant feeling of tiredness and exhaustion is hardly an optimum way to spend one's life. As such, people seek a chronic fatigue cure that will yield the type of results that will allow them to live a life that is alive as opposed to a life that is constantly undermined by the feeling of exhaustion that chronic fatigue will cause.

Chronic fatigue syndrome, or CFS, is a debilitating and complex disorder characterized by profound fatigue that is not improved by bed rest and that may be worsened by physical or mental activity. Persons with CFS must often function at a substantially lower level of activity than they were capable of before the onset of illness. For the cures available to be effective the patient must maintain a consistent and relaxed lifestyle and report to the doctor every couple of months to get checked up and to dicuss progress.

There are going to be a few of you who get put off by seeking a medicinal chronic fatigue cure, some sufferers may even still be in denial. The ultimate decision on how to proceed is down to the sufferer. There are many forms of therapy and its always best to get a well rounded opinion about all of them before you select exactly the approach you want to take.

The most effective cures are found in the medical community and that really is where your search should begin. However there are the alternative remedies which are a more natural and favoured method of proceeding with sufferers, whichever method you take remeber it takes time effort and support and its important to remeber it CAN be cured.

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