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Suffer From TMJ No More

By Sasha S.

There are several available treatment options nowadays for TMJ sufferers. Many programs are available online, one even goes with the name TMJ No More.

As for these programs, you have to be more discriminating to which program offers the real deal and while some claims to offer holistic cure to TMJ, there are still the more conventional and practical measure to manage the symptoms of TMJ.

The things you have to be on the lookout for when you are currently experiencing pain and other symptoms of the conditions are:


Make sure you don't add more tension to the temporomandibular joint area when eating. And to be sure of this, you have to avoid hard food altogether as well as the chewy ones. You also need to drink lots of water and stick to soft foods.


TMJ conditions are brought about by several underlying causes. Some are brought about by trauma, other by dislocation of the joints while some still are caused by constant grinding and clenching of the teeth.

Whatever the underlying condition is, you need to relieve some of the tension in the affected area. One way to promote this is to maintain correct position. You need to have your upper and lower teeth slightly apart while your lips are closed. Keep your tongue on the upper portion of your mouth and breathe through your nose.


When you go for a medical check up, depending on the findings of the doctor, most of the time you'll be asked to do some simple exercise to help ease the tension. One such exercise involves closing and opening your mouth by slowly moving your lower jaw and all the while moving it from side to side.


There are also other basic and practical things you can do to ease the pain of TMJ syndrome. You can apply a warm compress which helps in relaxing your facial muscles. This is often done right before you start to exercise your jaw. Of course, in the event the pain becomes very unbearable, there's always the anti-inflammatory pain reliever like Tylenol. However, this medication is not meant to be taken as a long term measure to treat TMJ.

As I've mentioned earlier there are also several programs available which offers holistic treatment for TMJ syndrome. TMJ No More is an example and is developed by a medical researcher and therapist who herself has battled with TMJ for 12 years.


A Few Tips On How To Fix TMJ

By Duncan Henderson

Worldwide, there are millions of people who are affected by Temporomandibular Joint disorder or TMJ disorder. These people seek quick solutions to get rid of this ailment at the earliest possible chance as it can be a very painful one.

The dysfunction is usually caused by an inflammation of the connection of the mandible to the skull. TMJ is also caused by various other reasons. It is caused not only due to accidents or injuries but also due to various other factors like stress, extreme anger or grief, etc.

The major problem with TMJ is that it can change the quality of your life quite drastically, thereby causing you a great deal of discomfort. Some of the common symptoms of TMJ include uncontrollable movement of the tongue, grinding of teeth, involuntary movement of the jaw, unable to open the mouth fully, experiencing great difficulty in opening and closing the jaw, etc. It is important to get rid of these symptoms at the earliest; otherwise it can be very painful and stressful.

Finding the right cure is very important for getting rid of TMJ disorder quickly.If not, you will find it might lead to further complications like vertigo, dizziness, severe headache, difficulty in swallowing, etc. Similarly, it can lead to head, shoulder and neck problems. In fact there are a variety of treatments for getting rid of TMJ disorder. Here are a few tips to get rid of this problem.

One of the options that you have to get rid of TMJ is to use OTC medicines. There is a wide range of pain relievers, muscle relaxants and anti inflammatory medicines that can help get rid of the TMJ disorder.
Another option that you can try is to undertake physical therapy and exercise your jaw regularly. This will strengthen your jaw muscles sufficiently so that you can get rid of the TMJ disorder quickly. In fact there are many experts who suggest that you use hot and cold therapy so that you can find quick relief from pain.
There are many people who prefer visiting a dentist to get quick relief from TMJ disorder. Based on your existing condition, the dentist may use a bite plate so that your lower and upper jaw is aligned properly. At the same time this will also help in getting rid of grinding or clenching of your teeth.

With a little bit of patience you can get rid of TMJ disorder.

If you found these tips on how to fix TMJ helpful, then be sure to check out the article on our website about TMJ cures and read our TMJ No More review where I'll show you a detailed look at Sandra Carter's TMJ program.


5 Jaw Exercises for TMJ Relief

By Keith D. H Douglas
Expert Author Keith D. H Douglas

TMJ exercises help in improving the movements of the temporal bone and the mandible. The purpose of the exercises is to ensure that you are able to open and close your mouth without any difficulty, be able to move the jaw on both sides so that you do not have any difficulty while eating, drinking, smiling or making any other form of facial expression. TMJ involves several muscles and tissues that help in the smooth movement of the joint.

Given below are a few exercises that may help in getting rid of TMJ disorder.

In order to get relief from the pain, sit comfortably on a chair that has a strong back rest. Now, try and place your tongue on the roof of your mouth and in the same position try opening your mouth with your tongue. Now, breathe in slowly and after a few seconds exhale slowly and then close your mouth. Make sure that you repeat this exercise at least 8 to 10 times for a quick relief.
There are many people who suffer from shifting of the jaw to one side. For such people it is suggested that you stand in front of the mirror and see on which side your jaw has shifted. Then try and open your mouth straight. This can be pretty difficult and may require a lot of effort from your muscles on the affected side of the jaw. Try opening and closing your mouth at least ten times in a set and then take some rest. Repeat this thrice in a session.
The next exercise involves holding your fist to the damaged side of the jaw just below the TMJ by using a low force and holding it for a few seconds and then release. Do this exercise at least thrice so that you can get relief on both sides.
Next, open your mouth as wide as you can and put your fist to your chin and push it to open your mouth wider. Though it may hurt you a little it is worth the trouble.
Next, open your mouth wide and try to move your haw to the right side as many times as you can. Use your fingers to push your jaw to the right side. This will cause some movement in the jaw. Hold this position for a few seconds. Make sure that you do this exercise at least four times in a day.

The above mentioned are a few exercises that help in providing relief from TMJ disorder.


TMJ Disorder - What is it and How Your Dentist Can Help

By Matt Zarinnia

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint located on each side of your head in front of your ears, where your lower jawbone meets your skull. This important joint enables you to eat, speak and yawn, and in order to function properly, each intricate part of the joint must work together properly. Any problem that prevents the TMJ's complex system from functioning properly can result in TMJ disorder, with symptoms including loss of jaw movement and intense jaw pain.

The severity of TMJ disorder will vary from person to person. Some people may only experience temporary discomfort while others may have TMJ problems for many years. Women are diagnosed with TMJ problems more frequently than men.

Warning Signs of TMJ

A variety of symptoms accompany TMJ disorder. Many patients complain of headaches, ear pain and limited ability to open the mouth. Symptoms will vary from patient to patient depending on the cause of their discomfort.

Other Common Symptoms include:

* Dull, aching pain in the jaw joint
* Neck, shoulder and facial pain
* Locking of the jaw
* Pain or ringing in the ears
* Hearing loss
* Dizziness and vision problems
* Uncomfortable or uneven bite
* Swelling of the face and mouth on the affected side
* Unexplained morning headaches
* Limited jaw mobility, especially when chewing or yawning

Finding Relief for TMJ Symptoms

Treatment for a TMJ problem will depend on the cause. And while the exact cause of TMJ is unclear, arthritis, trauma, a dislocated joint or disk displacement are contributing factors known to trigger TMJ disorder. With simple steps, your TMJ symptoms may go away on their own in a matter of days. Avoid opening your mouth wide, eat a diet of soft foods and apply a warm compress on the area of pain. When pain persists or worsens, you will want to see your dentist or physician for professional care.

Dental problems can be the cause of TMJ as well, including teeth grinding and malocclusion. If this is the case, a dentist that specializes in TMJ disorders can help manage and control the pain. If your jaw pain is caused by teeth grinding, your dentist may recommend a TMJ mouthguard which slips over the upper and lower teeth to prevent grinding that leads to TMJ symptoms. The soft plastic protectors make it difficult to clench the jaws, a leading cause of TMJ pain. If a misaligned bite is the cause of TMJ, orthodontic treatment and other dental work to correct the malocclusion can be performed to eliminate jaw pain. When symptoms don't respond to other treatments, surgery to repair the damaged joint tissue may be necessary.

If your symptoms match up with TMJ symptoms, visit your dentist for an evaluation. Left untreated, pain will persist and symptoms may get worse. Your dentist will help you determine the cause of your TMJ and recommend the best course of treatment for your individual needs.


How to Cure TMJ Pain Permanently With No Surgery

By Mike Freije
Expert Author Mike Freije

Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders (TMJDs), commonly called TMJ, are a collection of poorly understood conditions characterized by pain in the jaw and surrounding tissues and limitations in jaw movements. TMJ is a disorder that arises when the jaw is improperly aligned, and it can cause many different painful symptoms. TMJ is the commonly used acronym for temporomandibular joint disorder. Treatment for TMJ depends on the severity and extent of the individual's condition. Treatment with drugs that prevent chronic tension-type headache is often effective, particularly the tricyclic antidepressants.

Between 5 and 15 percent of people in the United States experience pain associated with TMJ disorders, according to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, part of the National Institutes of Health. Some patients have experienced worsening conditions due to guards- If your TMJ is caused by having a bad bite then your specialist may require dental therapy or restoration. TMJ treatment may range from conservative dental and medical care to complex surgery. Symptoms may relate to your bite and how they can successfully be treated by a health care professional that has special education in managing these disorders. Symptoms of TMJ disorder The most common symptom of TMJ disorder is pain, with intense discomfort not just in the face and jaw joint, but also the neck and shoulders.

Many medical and dental insurance plans do not pay for treatment of jaw joint and muscle disorders, or only pay for some procedures. TMJ is a disorder that arises when the jaw is improperly aligned, and it can cause many different painful symptoms. TMJ disorders can bring headaches, facial paint enderness in the jaw clicking and grinding noises in the jaw difficulty in opening the mouth as if the jaw were locked and even or uncomfortable bite trouble chewing certain food saching in or near the ear.

Depending on the severity of the TMJ, there are many effective treatments that range from specific muscle relaxing exercises to costly surgery. People tried The TMJ no more program and the TMJ help program, but they recommend the TMJ Help program. The program first explains your TMJ problem and then gives you a simple, step-by-step program that is aimed specifically at your causes for TMJ.

Surgery to cure temporomandibular joint pain may be performed as the last resort, provided that you have tried all the alternative treatment options. The treatments that ended up helping TMJ the most involved improving overall posture and body alignment and loosening up my tight muscles.


TMJ Relief - Discover the Secret

By Sandra E. Carter

When there occurs any health hazard in or around the temporomandibular joint, the phenomenon is medically termed as TMJ disorder. The fallout of these problems are a set of highly complicated and distressing effects, which include migraine issues, cluster pains in the head, a dizzy feeling, sensations of pain at the TMJ joint, cluster pains in the head, uneasiness while closing or opening the mouth and ear aches, apart from, of course, a range of other related problems. All this makes it pretty evident why a person with TMJ disorders would crave for a TMJ relief procedure, as quickly as possible.

The present world has seen a wide array of different alternative treatment techniques for fighting the TMJ disorders. This is only a natural phenomenon, since the demand for an effective TMJ relief technique is continuously rising, from the many people afflicted by the disease. Methods to relax the muscles, devices to alleviate aches, remedial measures derived from natural sources and/or made at homes, operative techniques, drugs that keep inflammations in check, as well as exercises are often recommended for the TMJ patients. Unfortunately, the majority (if not all) of these treatment methods do not function as desired. The muscles in the neck regions, shoulders and the head derive adequate relaxation from the prescribed TMJ exercises, while medicinal items made at home (from herbs) have their own merits as well. However, none of them can promise a permanent removal of TMJ disorders. More often than not, the ailment is found to occur again in future.

TMJ Treatment

Disorders in the TMJ region are the direct offshoot of an absence of uniform development of teeth sets, which makes biting patterns extremely uneven as well. Hence, the temporomandibular joint cannot close as desired. Thus, a well-thought out remedial measure should try to establish a proper balance between all the parts of the jaw (viz, the mandible (lower jaw) and the maxillae (upper jaw)). In cases where the TMJ problems tend to have a recurrent theme, or are rather intense, stabilizing treatments from dental experts need to be sought after. In case the biting patterns of the affected people are irregular or not uniform, the problem can be addressed by any of the following methods:

o The jaw can be repositioned in the ideal manner (via the application of tools for mandibular restructuring),

o Application of orthodontic medication techniques.

Resetting the biting pattern manually, and/or grinding the affected teeth area is also an option in cases where the occlusal area of the teeth gets destroyed due to personal penchants for incessant clenching or gnashing of the teeth.

Natural depletion processes, as well as effects of any trauma can also result in such destruction of this surface. In such cases, dental experts recommend a thorough restructuring of the bridges and the crowns of the teeth, so that biting activities grow easier. Thus, occlusal surgeries are treatment options as well. However, prior to actually homing in on surgery as your preferred line of treatment, you should take the advice of qualified medical practitioners, since all operations come with certain risks.

Disorders in the temporomandibular joint regions can also be effectively handled by the usage of certain specified herbal products and vitamin supplements. These remedial measures are:

o In order to ensure that the muscles continue to work in a desirable fashion, a person can consume magnesium as well as calcium. In particular, these two substances help to prevent the occurrence of muscle tension headache - a direct offshoot of TMJ related disorders,

o TMJ problems often result in considerable damage to the delicate cartilages. Vitamins A, C, E, as well as Selenium and Zinc (all of them being anti-oxidants) are highly useful in reinvigorating these disc cartilage areas.

TMJ Natural Cure

There are two alternative ways of treating TMJ disorders. Firstly, there are medicines like Valium, which, however have notable harmful side effects. Medicinal products derived from herbs are better on this count, since they come with almost no accompanying effects. Hops, Passionflower, leaves of wild lettuce, skullcap as well as Boswellia Serrata can be combined to bring down the inflammations in the area of the jaw joint. Sea cucumber, a rich source of chondroitin sulphate, can also be prescribed for obtaining TMJ relief, since the affected cartilages can get repaired, in a completely natural manner, thanks to this substance. Thus TMJ patients often find it much to their liking. However, pretty soon after the recommended period of dosage of these medication techniques is over, do the TMJ problems resurface, and the intermediate TMJ relief obtained is short-lived.

The key to achieving a total cure from TMJ disorders is simple: Restructure the jaw in the proper fashion, and ensure that the biting pattern remains uniform. Hence, these ailments have to be tackled at their very base, if one wishes to eradicate them completely. This is the point where a Neuromuscular practitioner comes into the picture. Apart from taking proper corrective measures regarding the biting activities, such a doctor can also take suitable actions to do away with problems in the ligaments, nerves and muscles in and around the joint region of the jaw (TMJ). The TMJ symptoms can thus be driven away, if the above actions are followed properly.

For the purpose of freshly aligning the spine, as well as many other such restructuring tasks, chiropractic treatment methods have been proven to be highly effective. The temporomendibular joint disorders occur due to erroneous biomechanic setup in the body, and hence, a number of doctors have started to recommend chiropractic methods for correcting the jaw structure, and evening out the biting activity. The jury is still out, however, regarding whether these methods are actually beneficial in these cases, since many patients have reported that they have not received expected results from chiropractic medication techniques.

The Iowa-based Palmer Center for Chiropractic Research (at Davenport) has extensively researched about the effects of chiropractic treatment methods on people afflicted by the TMJ syndrome. It would certainly be worth our while to analyze the nature of the reports that these researches have brought to light.

It should be noted that, these research studies do not state anything regarding the effectiveness of the chiropractic techniques over an extended period of time. Doubts remain as to whether the TMJ disorder might relapse or not. The research studies summing up its findings, only stated, "The qualified result of both outcome measures used in this perspective case series indicate that TMJ symptoms of participants in this study improved following a course of treatment using Activator methods, International protocol for adjusting the TMJ. Consequently, further investigation of this type of chiropractic treatment for patients with articular type of TMD is warranted".

TMJ Relief - How To Get It?

The proper detection of all the problem-creating factors from the body of the TMJ patients, via the holistic schools of treatment, is absolutely necessary for getting a long-term TMJ Relief. Once found out, these underlying causes have to be removed from the system, together with the symptoms of the ailment. Unlike other treatment methods, the entire body is taken as a single entity by the holistic line of medication, and the latter is not solely worried about the symptoms of TMJ disorders either. Thus, while dealing with problems related to the TMJ syndrome, the holistic techniques are indeed, by far the best.

Sandra Carter is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "TMJ No More- Proven Holistic System of Curing TMJ, Bruxism and Whiplash". Sandra has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.


Symptoms of TMJ

By Harvey Reiter

TMJ can be a very painful disorder to deal with and there are many different symptoms of TMJ. Of course, each person is different, and the disorder can be manifested in various ways. If you are wondering whether or not you have this problem, take a look at the symptoms of TMJ. If you are dealing with several of the symptoms, it may be a good idea to see your dentist. The faster you see a good dentist that knows how to treat TMJ, the more destruction and pain you can avoid in the future.

Head and Facial Symptoms

Many of the symptoms of TMJ include pain in the head and face. You may end up dealing with pain in the forehead, headaches that feel like a sinus headache, migraines, or even cluster headaches. Another symptom of this problem includes pain near the back of the head, which can include shooting pain, and having the scalp and hair very sensitive to touch.

There may be discomfort and pain in the chine, check, face, or the mouth. Sometimes you may notice that you have problems opening up your mouth or that the jaw goes to one side when the mouth is opened. Pain in the muscles of your cheeks may be a symptom, as are popping or clicking when you use the jaw joints.

Eye Symptoms

Belief it or not, some of the symptoms of TMJ actually affect your eyes. You could end up dealing with blurred vision, pain behind or below your eyes, a feeling of pressure behind your eyes, or even difficulty with your eyes watering. Other eye symptoms include eyes that are bloodshot and sensitivity to light.

Teeth Symptoms

There are many times that people think they have a toothache, when they are actually dealing with TMJ pain. You may notice that your teeth are sensitive and that you have tooth pain. Other teeth symptoms include clenching your teeth, at night or during the day, and grinding the teeth together while you are sleeping.

Ear Symptoms

You'll even find that the symptoms of TMJ can affect your ears. Some of the symptoms can include problems hearing, ringing or buzzing sounds in the ears, or feeling like your ears are clogged. There may be problems with dizziness and balance, and you may have bad ear pain without any infection in the ear.

Neck and Shoulder Symptoms

The symptoms of TMJ can even begin showing themselves in your neck or shoulders. Often people with this disorder deal with neck pain, aches in their shoulders, or a neck that feels tired and sore. Even lower and upper back pain can be a symptom, as can stiffness in the neck and pain or numbness in the fingers or arms.

Of course, these are only some of the symptoms of TMJ that you may experience if you are dealing with this disorder. To find out if you are really dealing with TMJ, it is best to be checked out by a professional that deals with this disorder. This way you find out if this is the problem and you can begin treatment as quickly as possible.


TMJ Symptoms and Causes You Should Know

By Thane Mannen

Tooth Grinding is the principle, probably the most prominent| and the most common cause for TMJ out of the several identified causes. What may cause tooth grinding? Let us talk about these signs one by one. You may discover some of these tidbits of information helpful for you and your family.

One of the top causes of tooth grinding is your diet. Yes, believe it or not, your diet. Often, it is relative to dietary issues similar to consumption of a substantial amount of caffeine and/or artificial sweeteners like NutraSweet, for example. Any foods on the checklist of headache-activating meals recognized through the National Headache Foundation may trigger TMJ. You absolutely would need to think twice before grabbing another espresso if you want to avoid the potential consequences.

A nasty bite is also among the normal reasons of TMJ jaw soreness. Some individuals would agree on this without doubt whereas some might not be too sure. I actually almost actually yielded suggestions to repair my patients bite kind of 20-25 percent of the time.

Count yourself in. Whether you believe it or not, a hectic and difficult day at work can result in TMJ problems -- if the stress is common. More to the point stress or gradual and fixed worry is the number one cause of TMJ-related pain.

That nervousness results in stress within the head and jaw muscular tissues and causes the ensuing clenching. I hope you now know why you're in discomfort after an extended day in the workplace; now you'll be able to see why an aggravating day at work can exacerbate your TMJ problems or TMJ symptoms.

Trauma can be a possibility for the development of TMJ. It clearly is a contributing issue to your TMJ pain if you have gone by means of an accident recently. TMJ braces or recent dental work may be accountable as well. It could appear odd, but it surely and actually is possible. Yes, it's true that I've handled patients with TMJ disorders, which were brought on by sitting on the dental chair.

The final contributing factors may surprise you a bit to be honest. However there are more factors. Here it is: Working out can cause TMJ issues. Yes, really. Moreover numerous medical problems can even lead to TMJ issues too. More often than not, it's due to the lack of fitness levels that results in TMJ symptoms or troubles. In the like manner the most typical medical predicament that may trigger TMJ pain is neck and back problems. Also, the shoulder trouble generally is a factor as well.

So, what are the magic bullets for TMJ? Or more to the point, what will help treat TMJ health problems? Is there a secret prescription? Is there a pill that you can take that big pharma want you to use? After all, they have a drug for "restless leg syndrome" too. (were you aware of that little fact? I'll bet you did not.) Continuing, you need to talk to a dentist first and foremost. He or she can help you first. A TMJ night guard, though, may be just what the physician ordered. I should have mentioned this but you should look for a TMJ specialist dental professional. Dentistry has a lot of specialties just like "typical" doctors. TMJ is one of them. TMJ specialist dentists have a lot of experience, both academic and experiential, with TMJ symptoms, jaw pain, teeth grinding issues, etc. Yea, definitely see a qualified TMJ dentist. It could really help you. Don't self diagnose. I hope this article helps you.


TMJ Diet and Exercise Treatments

By Deidra Bales

There are a variety of TMJ treatments available to help relieve pain in the temporomandibular joint, but some people prefer to focus on a lifestyle change and natural treatments instead of invasive dental procedures.

The two main lifestyle changes that can be made for TMJ treatment are: diet and TMJ exercises. A diet for TMJ is not a widespread practice, there are not many doctors that focus TMJ treatment around the patients diet. But, there are a few things that can be done with the food that you are eating to help relieve TMJ pain.

The first thing to look at with your diet is the consistency of foods that you are eating on a regular basis. Overworking the jaw can cause additional pain and discomfort, so you should focus on eating softer foods. Avoid chewing gum for long periods of time, and also avoid eating extra chewy or hard items such as hard caramel or other candies that may put stress on the jaw joint.

There are also specific TMJ exercises that can be done to help align the jaw, and also to help relax the muscles around the joint so that they are not tense. These exercises can be done from the comfort of your own home, and it is a good idea to follow a regular (even daily) TMJ exercise plan.

As always, it is a good idea to consult with a doctor about any medical condition you may have. Some cases of TMJ are more serious, and they may require additional medical procedures in order to correct the problem and stop the pain.


TMJ Information

By Katherine Page

TMJ, or more correctly TMD, is short for temporomandibular joint disorder which is a condition many people suffer from. The article takes a brief look and the commonest signs and symptoms of this condition.

This condition is a painful disorder of the joint of the lower jaw or the temporomandibular joint, which attaches it to the skull bone. The symptoms however, are not restricted to the jaw and are likely to spread to surrounding areas.

There are a great many causes leading to TMD. The commonest trigger is the misalignment of the jaw bones. This leads to excessive straining of the jaw join and affects the entire area surrounding the joint.

This misalignment may result from and improper bite caused by crooked teeth or problems directly arising from the jaw muscles.

If the presenting symptoms is pain, it is mainly focused in and around the joint. It may extend to nearby areas as well such as the ears, head, neck, shoulders and back. Headaches are a common associated with TMJ.

In fact, some patients may visit doctors specifically for the resulting headaches and not for TMJ. To relieve this headaches, the answer is not simply aspirin. The underlying condition which is TMJ must be treated for relief of these headaches.

Other symptoms of TMJ include the occurrence of a clicking sound when moving the jaw, limited mobility of the jaw, jaw locking, teeth and jaw discomfort or even ear ringing.

Treatments for TMJ/TMD are variable and are ready available. Options range between jaw exercises to correct misalignment, dental correction of misaligned teeth and in sever conditions, surgery may be the only solution.

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