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Trim Down After Pregnancy

By Leland Murray
Expert Author Leland Murray

Trim Down After Pregnancy - Hey, new mama! Congratulations on the arrival of all arrivals; your new baby! Now is the greatest time of your life. At least it should be. And it totally can be if you're up for the challenge. And the challenge can be giant! One thing that you, as a new mommy, must have is ENERGY. And the best way to get this energy just so happens to be the very best way to Trim Down After Pregnancy. It's a little thing called "metabolism stoking." It works, ladies. And it works extremely well! Guess what else... it's one of the easiest, most satisfying things you'll ever do.

It starts with FOOD! And I'm not talking rice cakes and cream cheese, here. We're talking stick to your bones, get your belly full meals! Salmon, chicken, avocados, veggies, seafood, beans, rice, even some desserts here and there. Lots of delicious, hunger-stifling fare, both prepared and consumed in a way that will trim your body, jumpstart your energy and sense of well-being, and contribute to your overall health in a way that will transform you into one heck of a role model for your little one.

So what do I mean by prepared and consumed? Let's look at each one individually.

When you prepare your food correctly, you'll do so with as few chemical additives as possible. You'll also use ingredients which are natural, meaning things that haven't been processed to the point of empty, nutritionally devoid calorie content. The big three are sugar, white flour, and table salt. These wreak havoc on your body and will slow your metabolism to a screeching halt. Also, where possible, substitute extra virgin olive oil or flax seed oil for vegetable oil, margarine, or butter. What about lard or bacon grease? Okay, just making sure you're paying attention! Steam or bake your dishes, as opposed to frying them.

Remember when you were a little girl and were told to eat your vegetables? Well, if ever there was an ideal time to heed that advice, now is that time!

So how should you consume your meals? Well if you're like me and love to eat, you're going to be smitten with this little tidbit: EAT OFTEN! You read me right, ladies! Have a moderately portioned (to the point of satisfaction, not over-stuffed) meal five times a day. Have snacks, too. As long as you're eating the right kinds of food, this consistent regimen will continually stoke your metabolism, fueling it to its potential.

"When your metabolism is fully stoked and burning hot, fat will literally melt off your body like butter!"

Another key factor in regaining your cute, pre-baby shape very, very quickly is supplementation. And from what I've seen, nothing works as quickly, naturally, and healthfully as the Brazilian Acai Berry. If you were to ask Dr. Perricone, Oprah Winfrey, or Rachel Ray, they would tell you the same.


Swimming During Pregnancy - Things You Need to Know

By Albertin Abelmont

Swimming during pregnancy can be very beneficial, not only for you but for your baby also. When you are pregnant, one thing that troubles you is the increasing weight on your belly. Swimming gives you an opportunity to feel weightless. You will love this feeling. However, that's just one thing - swimming brings several other perks as well. For example, it can be a great way to increase your strength, improve your muscle tone, enhance circulation, and build cardiovascular endurance. Following is a brief rundown on how to swim properly while you are pregnant.

Ask Your Doctor If Swimming Is A Right Exercise
Considering the very fact that swimming carries minimal injury risk, swimming during pregnancy is recommended for almost every pregnant woman. But, it is still recommended that you talk to your doctor first in order to make sure that it will not bring any complications for you. Once you get the green light, you can swim throughout your pregnancy period even when you are getting closer to labor. It will keep you fit and healthy, which will make the labor a very smooth experience for you.

How Long Should You Swim
Thirty to sixty minutes of swimming during pregnancy can be a good idea. Swimming itself is a wonderful exercise with plenty of benefits as mentioned above, but if you combine it with your walking and running routine, it can be much more effective. However, as you move towards labor, you had better focus on more swimming than walking or running.

You must be very careful about your selection of swimsuit for swimming during pregnancy. Instead of using a standard suit, you are strongly recommended to try specially designed maternity suits. These days, you have plenty of attractive choices available in the market for maternity suits. The point here is to make you comfortable. If you are not feeling comfortable in a suit, it means that's not for you. So, if you are comfortable with the standard suit only, you can go for that - if it is too tight on your body, you cant feel comfortable.

Safety Measures
-If you were not practicing swimming before and now you are starting it, you are strongly recommended to start slowly with swimming during pregnancy. You may also consider taking short breaks to catch your breath.
-Your back and chest are the two main areas that are prone to misalignment while you are pregnant. So, practice breaststroke while you are swimming. You may like to use a snorkel, when you feel pressure on your neck while bobbing up for air.
-You may like to add a kickboard into the mix if you feel fatigued. Use this kickboard after every lap - make your arms at rest while allow the legs practice some kicking. Don't do this if it causes back pain to you.


How to Boost Your Metabolism to Trim Your Tummy

By Suzanne M Brown
Expert Author Suzanne M Brown

It is easy to ignore the fact that every single cell in our body is a part of us. How we help or hinder the biochemical symmetry that goes on inside of us to keep us alive has a huge impact on our success in losing pregnancy weight and keeping the weight off. An important piece of this "symmetry" is our metabolism. It is responsible for controlling the efficiency at which our bodies can utilize our energy to keep you the busy Mom that you are. You can get on the road to proper weight management by boosting your metabolism with the following actions.

Fuel your Body with Fat Burning Foods

We all know that we have to eat right and the "spirit is willing but the flesh is weak". You try to instill healthy eating habits in your family but alas, you are a busy Mom and it's so easy to cave into the conveniences of frozen dinners, fast food take-outs and deliveries. But this time it's about you and you need to lose your tummy and recover your pre-pregnancy body.

It's time to start eating foods high in fiber and high in protein to get you en route to recovery by getting your metabolism up and the fat down. Because how you fuel your body can make or break your workout efforts and results. Thus, it is of great importance to execute an effective fat burning meal plan into your weekly menu.

Maximize your effort will maximize your Fat Loss

Wouldn't it be great to have a workout session that could burn the baby fat at minimum cost to your precious time? Well, you can burn the fat effectively with a 15-minute workout done in intervals. Interval training is basically repetitively doing an exercise at high intensity with short periods of rest or low intensity after each set. Studies show that this method of training is more effective at burning body fat compared to just training at a low to moderated level of intensity for the same time period. Varying the intensity of your workout makes your body burn more calories because it has to work harder.

Train to strengthen your muscles

Losing the baby fat is a feasible goal but you won't get there if you are only doing cardio. Lean muscles are fat burning tissues and can be developed by working your muscle groups with a form of strength training called resistance training. Resistance training uses any outside force of resistance to work against your muscles. And when done in intervals, it is an efficient way to get faster results.

Resistance training equipments are simple and user friendly. Equipment such an exercise ball on which you can use your own body as a tool is inexpensive and simple to use. You can trim your tummy and get lean in the comfort of your home.

Upkeep your physical fitness

One would think that all the running around that a Mom does would make her lose pregnancy weight fast, but this is not the case. Try to expand your physical fitness to include your family by encouraging them to participate in more physical activities. Take a power walk with the baby in the mornings or go play some basketball with your son or daughter or you could take a family bike ride on a Saturday afternoon. The possibilities are endless and the time spent with loved ones priceless.

A healthy lifestyle will keep the weight off but it will take time to break the unhealthy habits to make the transition to healthy ones. Helping your metabolism in its efficiency to burn calories by eating and exercising right will help you to lose the pregnancy weight and gain the accompanying health benefits for your body. You will evolve into a natural beauty instead of a talk show makeover.


The Perfect Pregnancy Diet Plan - Get it Here!

By Nisha Obaidullah
Expert Author Nisha Obaidullah

It wasn't too long ago that it was a common misconception that if you were pregnant you should be eating for two. It was also pretty common that pregnant women tended to eat whatever they felt like regardless of it's nutritional value, hence most women struggled to lose their mummy belly after giving birth.

Thankfully, times and science move pretty quickly and we now know that you really don't have to eat that much more than normal to support a healthy pregnancy. We also know that rather than being able to eat whatever you want during pregnancy, you should be MORE focussed on eating good clean healthy food than before you fell pregnant.

Isn't it funny though how that voice in the back of your head still keeps saying to you, "Oh go on, you're pregnant, one little chocolate brownie won't hurt!"?

You know what - you're absolutely right! One little brownie won't hurt but if that one little brownie keeps shouting at you most days, (and don't kid yourself that it won't!), then you'll soon be putting on a lot more weight than you bargained for!

So one of the first things I do with my pregnant clients is get them on the right nutrition to guarantee that they'll stay trim, shapely and sexy throughout their pregnancy and ensure that they are giving their baby everything he/she needs to grow healthy and strong.

The rules I use are simple:

1) Eat ONLY from clean, wholesome, nutritionally supportive food that is as close to it's natural state as possible (ie. not tampered with by manufacturing or processing)

2) BAN all food that is toxic, harmful or that has been denatured by manufacturing or processing

This should leave you with foods that are nutritionally complete and that are jam-packed full of nutrients.

To make it easy for you here's a sample meal planner you can use to plan your own pregnancy diet. This is a shortened version of what I use with my personal clients.

Breakfast: Live natural yoghurt with berries and wheat free muesli

Snack: 5 Almonds & 1 Apple

Lunch: Cold chicken salad with new potatoes

Snack: Wheat free toast with nut butter

Dinner: Cod steak with asparagus in lemon and butter and sweet potato mash

Simple but tasty and extremely nutritious! In fact if you eat like this every day of your pregnancy you can be pretty sure that you'll stay trim and toned throughout your 9 months AND that your baby is getting everything he/she needs to grow healthy and strong!

Nisha Obaidullah is a leading prenatal health & fitness expert and author of The 9 Month Club - The Complete Support System for Pregnancy. For more simple pregnancy health tips, grab your FREE copy of Nisha's new Ebook "POWER Pregnancy - The 5 Health Secrets Every Expectant Mother MUST Know" =>


After Pregnancy Workout - Most Effective Methods to Get Back in Shape

By Anna P Jones

After delivery who does not want to regain the pre pregnancy figure? But then you have to put in a little effort to shed off those extra pounds although it's not very tough. There are various after pregnancy workout programs which will not only get your shape back, but boost your energy level too.

Some women after attaining motherhood get excuses to remain fat quoting non availability of time for any kind of workouts. Here we are going to discuss some easy and effective ways how to get rid of your extra weight after childbirth.

An easy way to get back in shape after delivery is a combination of few simple exercises along with eating the right kind of food.

Before starting any workout take advice from your doctor. What may have suited your friend may not be right for you. We all are made differently with different body constitution and different levels of stamina.

You can start with simple physical activities like walking in the beginning and gradually step up the intensity and the duration of any other exercise. The timing to start with the exercises mainly depends on the kind of delivery you had (vaginal or caesarian). It is advisable to start 6-8 weeks after delivery.

Relax and give time to your body to get accustomed to the new way of life. Remember it was gaining weight throughout the nine months to help in growing the baby properly. It had to undergo lot of stress during delivery too. Start your exercise regime once your body is up to it.

There are certain exercises like Kegel crunches which can be started from your bed itself from the next day of your delivery. These are beneficial in toning and strengthening the pelvic floor muscles.

After regaining your strength, you can start with some yoga or aerobic exercises. The time taken to lose fat after delivery is directly proportional to how active you have been during your pregnancy. Women who had been regular in doing exercises during pregnancy tend to lose the baby fat faster after delivery.

Eating healthy is also helpful in keeping you fit and trim after childbirth. Don't diet. Have fruits, green vegetables, whole grain items, nuts etc. in your meals. Drink plenty of water.

The point to remember while doing workouts is that it will take few months to lose the weight you have put on during pregnancy... so don't be overzealous in attempting exercises to see the result overnight and get stressed out.


Back to School Basics For Losing Pregnancy Weight

By Suzanne M Brown
Expert Author Suzanne M Brown

Kids need school supplies when they head back to school but Moms need to equip themselves also to burn the baby fat. Here are some essential supplies to losing the pregnancy weight.

1. Daily Planner

Kids write their homework down in their planners and so must you, to lose your tummy. Schedule your workouts and give yourself some playtime. It's well known that women who write down their workout dates will stick to their fitness regime. Losing the pregnancy weight won't be as hard if you pencil it into your busy calendar.

2. Get a Uniform

Dress to impress and lose your tummy! The easiest way to shed those pounds is to get new threads. Ladies who get comfortable shorts, shirts, and shoes are able to do the extra mile when exercising. Sporting the latest trends isn't what I mean - just getting yourself into some supportive running shoes can make it easier to lose the pregnancy weight. The biggest pay out will be when you can reward yourself with smaller dress and jean sizes once you trim your tummy.

3. Get a Backpack

Adding some extra weight to your cardio workout is a great idea to work your muscles and burn more calories. My trainer used to have us wear weight belts or backpacks but new Moms can bring their baby along for that extra pound to their bounce. You can even try pushing the stroller around during your power walks. Losing pregnancy weight becomes ten times faster when you bench press ten extra pounds.

4. Tools of the Trade

All kids have tons of pens and pencils when they get back to school but equipment for exercising Moms is just as important. Resistance bands, exercise balls, and free weight dumb bells can all lend themselves to your routine. When you aren't stepping up your cardio to burn the baby fat you can tone with these tools of the trade.

Just remember that saying "the dog ate my homework" only works for your kids. As a new Mom you might be full of excuses such as "I'm too tired", "This baby weight will come off eventually" or "I'll start tomorrow" but these are all just roadblocks to your success. If you kids can get back into school, you can get back into shape. Remember these four tips and you can get straight A's in losing the pregnancy weight.



Pregnancy Diet - Real Diet Secrets to Look Slim and Trim While Pregnant and Lose Weight by Friday!

By Gloria Johnson

Want a pregnancy diet that will be easy enough AND effective enough to keep up while still seeing jaw-dropping results? Well, it's here! You can look fabulous in less that one month if you do what I'm about to reveal to you right now. Start as soon as possible-the sooner you start, the better.

The #1 Diet secret is consistency-This is the first and foremost point you MUST UNDERSTAND. You can't really get it overnight, but you still can see changes in a few days and you'll definitely see the more drastic changes in a week or more. Progress is everything when it comes to diet. If you don't see progress, then it's just not working. But if you see progress and FEEL it (which you will if you follow my advice), then you're on your way to your ideal shape and weight; you're practically already there!

The #2 Diet Secret--Easiest and FASTEST way to eat while pregnant:

Divide your meals into 6 parts. Have you ever heard of this technique before? Sure you have, because IT WORKS! The reason it works is because by eating smaller and more frequent meals, you are allowing your body to take in LESS food at one time which will start burning TWICE OR MORE calories than eating just 3 meals a day. This is easily the fastest way to look trim because you won't be bloated after you eat anymore!

To take this technique to a whole new level and make it unbelievably powerful, do this:

Make half of each meal packed with green veggies; they'll burn off the calories even faster and decrease bloating dramatically. This means, EVEN when you're pregnant, fitting into smaller clothes AND looking slim and trim WILL be happening sooner than you think.



Lose Pregnancy Weight Fast - 5 Key Tactics to Burn the Fat

By Suzanne M Brown
Expert Author Suzanne M Brown

When you desire to lose weight after the baby any form of exercise is good for you. The good news is that losing pregnancy weight is a feasible task for active Moms. However, we are going to concentrate on 5 tactics that you can implement, to minimize your time and maximize your metabolism, to lose weight effectively and quickly.


Resistance training is a form of exercise that uses a form of resistance, such as weights, to strengthen and tone your muscles. If your focus is on losing the baby fat, resistance weight training is effective because they build lean muscle. The weights that are preferred for fat loss and toning are the following: free weights, body weight or weights on cable exercise machines. Choose and use the weights that require more effort to lift. The benefit of using these weights is that they require more coordination and energy to move them. This results in better muscle balance and use of your muscle groups. It also increases your metabolism to fuel your workout.


A compound exercise is specific exercise that works several muscle groups at the same time. Muscle burns fat. Therefore the more muscle groups you work at the same time, the more the muscles use and demand energy. The more energy needed results in the more fat being consumed for energy. For example, a compound exercises such as squats, burn more calories than an isolation exercise such as leg extensions. Squats work the muscles of the lower back, buttocks and the leg, whereas leg extensions work only your front thigh muscles.

3. Exercise your Body in PAIRS

Muscles work in pairs. Therefore in order to burn the baby fat effectively, you should alternate your workout. For example, alternate the workout of your upper and lower body muscle groups. In this way you complete a total body workout that keeps your heart rate in the fat burning zone. Once again, because you are working several muscle groups at high intensity intermittently, you will keep your metabolism up, burn more calories and lose the pregnancy weight.

4. Keep your REPS and RESTS between Sets LOW.

Short bursts of exercise at high intensity done intermittently are the way to build lean muscle and thereby trim your tummy. In order to stimulate fast lean muscle formation, research has put the range of 8 to 12 reps as the median that each exercise should be performed. Also your rest between each set should be no longer than 60 seconds. This allows for a triple bonus of a shorter workout time, an increased metabolism and more fat being burned.


Cardio exercises used to be the exercise of choice to lose weight. And yes, it does burn calories but only for the short term. When it comes to losing the baby fat, cardio has a minor role in that it does not build lean muscle mass. More lean muscle tissue increases your body's ability to burn body fat. Thus, you should minimize your cardio and alternate it with your strength training in order to capitalize on the benefits of both.

Remember you are more than just pregnancy weight. However, by implementing these tactics into your workout routine you will lose weight effectively. Ultimately what you need to lose your tummy and get back into your skinny jeans is a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle means a proper diet, regular exercise and a healthy sense of self. The smart way to address any weight loss program is to have a healthy balance of looking after YOU... mind, body and soul.


New Maternity Swimwear for Your Pregnancy

By Amy Jarman
Expert Author Amy Jarman

With swimsuit season just around the corner, the time has come to find that perfect suit that combines style, comfort, and a flattering fit all in one. Many people have the misconception that maternity swimwear is large, unflattering, and designed to cover up one's body. However, nothing could be further from the truth! Maternity swimwear is fashionable, functional, and flattering, ensuring that every expectant mother is guaranteed to look and feel fabulous. From tankinis to one-pieces, there are a multitude of options from this year's collections to choose from.

Tankinis are an incredibly popular maternity swimwear option, as they are super fashionable while maintaining a high level of comfort. The tankini is designed in two pieces, with the top being a bit longer so as to allow room for your baby bump to grow. Perfect for relaxing on the beach or swimming in the pool, they are practical and flattering. Prego Maternity is a well-known maternity brand that specializes in swimwear. With well-made and comfortable designs, their tankinis are an excellent option. One of their brand new designs is the Picasso Trim Tie Halter. Its chocolate brown, green, and aquamarine halter top has a refreshing and modern pattern. With its halter tie, it can be adjusted to fit you to a tee. The chocolate trim around the neck creates a beautifully finished look that matches the brown bottoms perfectly.

Another brand new option is the Costa Rica V-Kini. With its gorgeous tropical flower design, it screams summertime. The v-neck with ruching at the bust is very flattering and supportive, as is the adjustable halter tie. With bottoms that fit underneath your belly, there is plenty of room for your baby bump to grow. Belabumbum is another fashionable maternity designer whose swimwear is always right on trend. A gorgeous new swimsuit from them this season is the Maternity Ring Halter &Bikini. The beautiful brown top and pink bottoms work perfectly together. A stunning neckline is created by a braided halter tie and faux wood ring at the bust. Creating an empire waist, it is incredibly figure flattering while having plenty of room for your growing belly. With style and comfort combined, you will want to wear all these tankinis long after your baby is born!

If you want to show a bit more skin, a maternity bikini is a fabulous option. Seen on a plethora of pregnant celebrities this year, a bikini ensures you will never feel restricted on your tummy and highlights the beauty of pregnancy. The Bow Top Bikini from Prego is a stylish new option that combines comfort with unique detailing. The lightly padded halter top has an adjustable tie and a lovely oval neckline that cinches at a trendy O-ring at the bust. The matching black top and bottoms are classic yet sexy, making it a perfect to wear during and after pregnancy. If you love the great cut of this suit but want it in a less classic style, try the leopard print version, whose fun and fierce look is perfect for a day at the beach. If you love some special detailing, try Belabumbum's Fuchsia Ring Maternity Bikini. The adjustable scoop neck culminates with a silver rectangular metal ring at the bust, creating an incredibly flattering and supporting top. Matching bikini bottoms have the same trendy metal ring on each hip, ensuring they fit well. What we love most about all of these bikinis is that they are designed with super stretchy fabric, contouring to your changing body shape perfectly and allowing them to be worn both during and after pregnancy.

Whether tankinis or bikinis, maternity swimwear is fashionable and functional, ensuring that there is something for everyone. If you are going on a cruise or lounging in your backyard, you will find a swimsuit that will make you look and feel your best.


Trim Your Tummy - 4 Keys to a Good Metabolism to Look Fabulous

By Suzanne M Brown
Expert Author Suzanne M Brown

One of the most important driving forces behind weight management is our metabolism. It dictates how quickly or efficiently our body burns or uses energy. However, all women are not created equal and that's also true with regards to our metabolism. The lucky women who have the can-eat-anything-and-never-gain-weight metabolism are sadly in the minority. But the great news is that you can improve your metabolism to lose weight after giving birth and keep the weight off by implementing the following:


We are bombarded these days with information on nutrition. Gone are the days of willful ignorance. Therefore, losing the baby fat involves choosing a diet that includes foods that are high in protein or high in fiber. These fat burning foods increase your metabolism because they make your body spend more energy to digest it. High protein foods such as nuts, eggs, lean meats and fish, and high fiber foods such as whole-grains, legumes, vegetables and fruit should be an important part of your diet. Keep in mind that to get the most benefit, these foods should be prepared and/or eaten in the healthiest or most natural way possible. Including these foods into your everyday diet will help you burn the baby fat and get a healthier body.

High Intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T.)

H.I.I.T. is essentially a workout session in which several exercises are done at maximum effort or intensity for a short time. Each exercise is separated with brief intervals or periods of rest. Studies have shown that H.I.I.T. is more efficient at burning fat and maintaining or building lean muscle mass than cardio training. Cardio training is good for muscle endurance but not for muscle strength. H.I.I.T. also boosts and sustains your resting metabolic rate many hours after your exercise session. In other words, it keeps your metabolism humming even after your workout and this helps you lose the pregnancy weight.

Strength Training

If you want to lose your tummy, get back into your skinny jeans and get more energy, then strength training is right for you. The strength training that will build lean muscle and burn the fat is resistance training. You need to incorporate some resistance strength H.I.I.T. into your workout routine. It's a convenient way to trim your tummy because you don't need expensive equipment or a gym membership to get fit and toned. All you need is your own body weight or a set of free weights to get started. Contrary to what most women think, weight training is not going to bulk you up. Instead it will help to re-develop your muscle density and strength. Remember, muscle is the tissue that burns fat. So in order to lose pregnancy weight fast, you need to get your muscles back into shape thereby increasing your metabolism.

An Active Lifestyle

Mom, you are always busy but it doesn't necessarily mean you are getting adequate physical exercise. Physical activities such as walking the dog, taking a walk in the park, roller blading, swimming with the kids or a family bike ride to the corner store keeps your metabolism humming.

Losing pregnancy weight can be challenging but you can achieve success by improving your metabolism. All you have to do is to be consistent with all of the above and you will certainly lose the weight and be healthier and happier for it. A healthy Mom is a happy Mom.

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