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How to Start Training For MMA - Our 3 Top Tips!

By Buster Nelson
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Expert Author Buster Nelson

All beginners to Mixed-martial arts should utilize the tips we provide here to be successful in the beginning, and make way for a future in the sport whether it be a profession or hobby.

Protect Yourself.

If you think that there is a chance of getting injured in MMA, you're right. As most gyms provide most protective equipment to perform drills, It's usually old gear that is very worn out. One thing you will want to buy for sure is a groin cup for obvious reasons.

It is really cool to learn all the amazing punches, kicks and submissions. Question yourself, how are you going to throw those amazing techniques if you are laying flat on the ground because you couldn't defend a jab? Learn to defend yourself as well as you bring an offensive game.

Think About What You Want To Do.

You are not entering a sport that might kick a ball in your teams net, try to swim faster than you, or try to beat you in a race. You are entering a sport where your opponent will try to put you unconscious. You are in a sport that your opponent is going to try and hurt you.

What you have to do is hurt them first. What you want to do is think about how you are going to defend yourself as you create an offence. Way too often fighters are running around defending themselves and not attacking, and then you see fighters going all out and leaving it all on the line which is good but there is a lot of risk involved there too. Find the medium.

You're Not A Dummy, So Don't Train Like One.

If you are lying out on the floor while your training partner is practicing a submission on you and you're not offering any resistance, then you're not helping anyone. This can often be how new students are injured.

Always apply some of your strength to every part of training or don't bother going.

These are 3 top tips to getting started in Mixed-martial arts. Of course these are only the beginning. A complete MMA strength and conditioning program is of utmost importance to get off to a quick start in the sport.


MMA Training Videos: How To Select The Right Set of MMA Training DVD's For You

By Will Shakestear
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A question we get very often on our forum is about MMA training videos. Our readers want to know which is the best set of MMA training DVD's for them available, online or offline. Unfortunately, this question is very hard to answer. I'll explain in a minute.

But first, let's have a quick look at what MMA is. MMA is short for Mixed Martial Arts. It's a fighting sport with lots of fans and several shows like UFC, Bellator, M1 Global and Elite XC. UFC has become so famous that it's even threatening boxing's supremacy in popularity rankings. MMA fighters employ techniques, holds, grappling moves, submission techniques, kicks and punches from a wide variety of martial arts and from Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ), Muay Thai and Krav Maga (the Israeli Defense Force close quarters combat technique) amongst others. Maybe this short explication of MMA has made one reason clear why it is so hard to answer the question at hand: "Which is the right set of MMA training DVD's for you?"

First of all, the answer is highly dependent on your style or your preferred style. Most training videos will focus on one or two styles max. So the right set of training DVD's for you may not be the same as the one for the next guy. Additionally, some people need training videos to start to train and ultimately start fighting in a ring. Others want to learn self defense techniques from the Mixed Martial Arts training DVD's. Others are looking to pick up a few quick pointers to help them out should they ever get into a street or bar fight, yet others look at it as a preferred way of working out (subdivided in acquiring body weight and cardio exercise). A minority even looks for them just to show off with their friends...

Then there are training DVD's and videos for beginners, for intermediary fighters and a few that teach advanced techniques. This is very important! Trying advanced techniques as a beginner might cause serious injuries to yourself or your sparring partner. Some of the advanced techniques can cause death when executed in the wrong way or with excessive force. We recommend that you try or train any new technique always are very slow speed first.

So first of all you need to know what you are looking for exactly. Take an honest look at yourself and decide if you are beginner, intermediary or skilled fighter. Decide on your preferred style. Maybe you have a preferred fighter. He might have a series of training videos! With this information in mind, you can hit the internet, Google and Amazon would be great choices. Another way to find the right training DVD or video for you, are the MMA communities on the web, the MMA related forums. Maybe you are already a member of some forums, but if not, I suggest you become one. Just Google them, there are plenty. The people there are a very good source of information. Don't let the guys telling you that it can only be done with a live coach turn you off. If you have access to a great one and can afford it, great. If you're dead serious, it's probably the best way to get MMA training. But if not, a good set of MMA Training DVD's or MMA Training Videos, tailored to your needs, is definitely your best choice.

This way you will find not only the best set of MMA training DVD's or videos, you will also -and probably more important- find the RIGHT set MMA training DVD's or videos for you!


MMA Vs Traditional Martial Arts

By Neal Martin
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Expert Author Neal Martin

In recent years we have seen the irrefutable rise of MMA - mixed martial arts- both as a sport and as a fully-fledged cultural phenomenon. Since its inception in the early nineties it has dominated our television screens, our magazines and our local club networks across the world. Some see it as the holy grail of fighting systems, a seamless mix of ju jitsu, wrestling and the striking arts that meld together almost alchemically to form "the ultimate fighting system".

Superficially, this may seem true. Because MMA appears to have all the bases covered, in purely fighting terms its proponents seem to think they have reached some kind of nadir and that all other fighting systems are, by definition, out of date and inferior. There is an undeniable aura of testosterone-fueled arrogance and over-aggressiveness that permeates the whole scene, with the result that everything about it feels dumbed-down to the lowest common denominator so that it may appeal to as many people as possible, all of which stands in stark contrast to the Bushido code.

Labeling itself a martial is also a step too far, in my opinion. MMA is not a martial art in the true sense of the words. It has as much to do with martial arts as boxing does and as long it continues to be propelled by commercialism it will never meet the standards required for it to be so.

I do of course realize that many of you reading this, and are perhaps involved in MMA in some way, will take great issue with what is being said here and this is fine. It is not my purpose to create controversy for the sake of it. It is merely my intention to put across what I consider to be a valid point of view. There are very real principles at stake here and these things need to be said.

Okay, so lets take a step back from the controversy for a moment and take a look at a few points of fact concerning the martial arts themselves and its long held traditions. As well as encompassing many different fighting systems that date back hundreds (and in some cases thousands) of years, the martial arts have been an endless source of physical, mental and spiritual sustenance for many, many people throughout the world. Far from being a mere brutal, violent, thuggish or ego driven pastime (as some critics would have it), the practice of martial arts has the potential to be one of the most peaceful and life-affirming activities a person could hope to be involved in.

With devout and sincere practice, the martial arts brings out the very best and most worthy traits in a person - integrity, humility, inner-strength, a respect for ones fellow human beings and, given enough devotion, a stillness within that allows one to connect on a much deeper level with the world (and indeed the universe) around them. Now some of you may see this as more psudo-spiritual garbage (and there has been a lot of that over the years), but ask anyone who has practiced their art (any art for that matter) long and hard enough and they will undoubtedly verify that it is indeed possible to transcend the merely physical aspects of it and move on to deeper and more meaningful levels of understanding.

This is not say to say that there is anything wrong with merely focusing ones concentration on the purely physical aspects of training, and in fact most martial artists do this, turning on their "martial mind" three times a week or so for practice and then leaving it at that. It is, however, a mistake to think that this is all there is to martial arts just because you have not personally experienced anything different. The martial arts are one of the few spiritual practices left in the world where, when done properly and with enough devotion, one can move past ego and thus all the detrimental traits that stem from that including arrogance, conceitedness, competitiveness and a host of other undesirable and therefore damaging behaviour patterns, most of which are a product of the highly materialist society we find ourselves serving under today.

Which brings us back to the subject of so-called Mixed Martial Arts and the superficiality on which it is based. If martial arts can be said to reflect the very values of its creators ( and indeed of the harmony of the universe itself ) then MMA - or cage fighting, to give it a more appropriate title - so to reflects the values of its own creators and the world in which they live. Taking into consideration all the characteristics that go together to make up a true martial art, then it is hard to see, even from the most sympathetic viewpoint, what cage fighting has to do with martial arts except in its replication and utilization of the physical techniques, which as we know, should only be one part of a whole system. So in this sense alone, cage fighting cannot be considered a true martial art.

As if to make up for this lack of substance we have seen cage fighting subjected to large scale commercialisation across the world. This began when the Gracie clan invaded America, bringing with them their own brand of Ju Jitsu which they subsequently put on show in the first Ultimate Fighting Championship, which was billed as "the toughest fighting contest in the world". In reality, the tournament was a grand showcase for Gracie Ju Jitsu and the beginnings of another corporate money-making machine as a whole industry (and all of its commercial off-shoots including pay-per view, merchandising and ticket sales) quickly established itself until finally today we have the finely honed brand that is MMA.

Of course this is not the first time we have seen the large scale commercialization and bastardization of the martial arts. In the seventies we saw the rise of Kung-Fu and other arts thanks in part to the popularity of film stars like Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris. A lot of money was made of the back of this trend also, but at the same time it prompted a vast number of people to seek out traditional martial arts, setting of many on a rich voyage of discovery and personal fulfillment within a system that had integrity and noble values.

These days people will watch a few cage fights on television and be taken in by the guts and glory illusion and perhaps they will think to themselves that they would like to do that as well and so they will seek out one of the ever-growing number of clubs around the world that teach MMA and they will start to learn. The same thing happened when people first watched Bruce Lee movies years ago. They sought out a martial arts club in the belief that they too could one day kick ass like Bruce Lee did on screen. However when they began training they quickly realized that there was no place in the dojo for such arrogance, aggression, or egomania.

These traits were quickly dampened down by their instructor and replaced by those inherent in the Bushido code. Today however, it seems like these undesirable attributes are actively encouraged within the MMA scene, the rampant competitiveness, the do or die attitude, the ego inflating. Humility is left behind at the front door and people never get to experience the beauty inherent in a true martial arts system (which is to say one led by the Bushido code). This is a travesty and, in my opinion, detrimental to a society that is badly in need of such values as those gained through proper martial arts practice.

The fact is, whatever budo sensibilities cage fighting may once have had have now been compromised and crushed under the weight of commercialization to the point where top level fights now resemble the purely entertainment based fights of pro-wrestling. Anyone who does not think these fights are carefully controlled are deluding themselves. The money will always come first and therefore integrity will come last. Thus we have these "modern day gladiators" (who all look the same by the way, bald, over-muscled and tattooed like they have just come of a production line) knocking lumps out of one another inside a cage whilst millions of people watch them on telly and bay for their blood.

This is patently not martial arts by anyone's standards. At best MMA is a sport and at worst, two puppets in a cage trying to knock each other out (sorry, submit one another). People are unfortunately being lured into this by the illusion of glamour put out by the media and by the possibility of achieving fame and fortune (two fleeting concepts in themselves), if even on only a small scale.

Of course people are free to do as they please with their lives and it is not my purpose here to try and tell you what you should and should not do. The real point I am trying to make is that if people were made more aware of the true nature of martial arts and the many deeper benefits that come along with practicing it, then perhaps they would not be so blinded by the false glamour and compromised (not to mention damaging) values that cage fighting/MMA are based upon.

It is a homogenized system of fighting that has taken advantage of peoples ignorance and weak egos in the name of entertainment and corporate power and it is slowly threatening the existence of the traditional martial arts. I know of many traditional clubs who have fallen victim to the spread of this false martial art, with diminished numbers and very few new recruits because people are going to these MMA clubs after watching a few cage fights on TV and have thought to themselves that they would like to do that, completely unaware of what they are getting themselves into. To my mind, MMA reflects a lot of what is wrong with today's society - the hunger for fame and money, the lack of any real depth or meaning - and it saddens me to see so many people be sucked in by it.

In the end though, I see MMA as another trend that will eventually be usurped by something else on an even baser level. Traditional martial arts on the other hand, has existed for thousands of years and will continue to endure as long as people themselves do. Can we really say the same about MMA?

Neal Martin is an ex-bouncer and highly experienced martial artist with many years of training under his belt. He also publishes the popular Urban Samurai blog [http://urbansamurai.org.uk]. Join his e-mail list today to receive some great free gifts, including his authoritative e-books on self defense and mind training for martial artists. Just click here [http://urbansamurai.org.uk/free-stuff].


MMA Training Workouts (Strongman Focus)

By Dickie White
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Expert Author Dickie White

Recently there has been a huge push in MMA training workouts to incorporate lifts that you normally see performed in the World's Strongest Man. Finding a way to add strongman lifts to your MMA training workouts is the best way to bridge the gap between weight room strength and functional strength you can use to your advantage in the cage. Strongman lifts require full body strength and power and, due to their unpredictability build great full body stabilization and reactive strength. The benefits are numerous so start reading and implementing the following lifts into your MMA training workouts today!

Log Clean

Muscles Worked: Hamstrings, Glutes, Calves, Low Back, Shoulders

Stabilizers: n/a

Setup: Grab the handles, lift the log off the ground while maintaining a flat back and position it against your hips with your knees slightly bent and your hips driven back.

Execution: Drive your hips forward while simultaneously rolling the log up your chest. As the log reaches the top of your chest drive your elbows up toward the ceiling and stand in an upright position with the log resting on the top of your chest. Lower the log back to your hips and repeat for reps. Never bend at the back in an effort to complete a rep that you're struggling with. This does nothing but put you at risk for serious injury.

MMA Usage: The log clean is another great way to develop powerful triple extension. Because the weight you'll be using is going to be considerably heavier than the med ball during a between the leg toss, the speed at which you perform this lift will be a little slower. As a result, it will not transfer over as well to increasing your striking speed. However, because of the higher weights used for the log clean, it will help to train you to be explosive against large external resistances (ie it will help you be more explosive when looking to lift/throw an opponent).

Tire Flip

Muscles Worked: Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes, Calves, Shoulders, Biceps

Stabilizers: Core

Setup: Take a stance with your feet outside of your hands. Your feet should be back a little bit from the tire at a distance that puts you at an angle when you go to flip it. Your chest and shoulders should be tight against the tire.

Execution: Drive your chest and shoulders into the tire as you drive your feet into the ground. Once you have reached maximal extension drive your knee under the tire as you quickly reposition your hands from an underhand grip to an overhead position. Focus on doing this as quickly as possible otherwise you'll lose momentum and end up having to battle to get the tire wedged up high enough on your thigh so you can switch your hand position. Once you have switched your hands push the tire over.

MMA Usage: Tire flipping is a great all around strength builder and is one of the best ways to bridge the gap between traditional weight room strength and odd object strength. Tire flipping and other strongman exercises develop strength at angles barbells and dumbbells can't and will better prepare you for the many positions you'll face in a fight. So while I can say specifically this exercise will help you finish more takedowns, I think it's just a great all around strength builder that will help you in a number of ways in the cage.

Sandbag Shouldering

Muscles Worked: Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes, Shoulders, Lats, Biceps

Stabilizers: Core

Setup: Take a stance with the sandbag between your feet. Grab the sandbag.

Execution: Lift the sandbag to your thighs and squat down to rest it on them while you regrip/reposition the bag (this is known as tabling). From there squat up with the bag and lift it to one of your shoulders. Lower the bag back to the ground and repeat to the other shoulder. This seems like a very vague set of instructions, but this exercise is really individually specific. Everyone has their own strategy as to how to lift the bag, but pretty much everyone I work with tables the bag in between the start and finish of the exercise. How each person gets the bag from the ground to their legs and then from their legs to their shoulder is different from person to person so experiment with different techniques and see which works best for you. Either way this exercise is a killer and develops some serious grip and back strength.

MMA Usage: Much like the tire flip, sandbag shouldering is another great way to build functional strength for MMA. Not that lifting barbells and dumbbells won't build strength that won't apply to MMA, there's just something about lifting an odd, unpredictable object that I find really useful for fighters. A strong grip and low back are needed in MMA, especially in the clinch and on the ground, so developing strength in these areas will definitely pay off.


Muscles Worked: Hamstrings, Glutes, Low Back

Stabilizers: Core, Lats

Setup: Stand with a stone between your feet. Lower your chest to the stone and grab around it in an effort to hug it as tightly to your chest as possible.

Execution: While keeping the stone tight to your chest, lift it off the ground and table it much like you would with a sandbag before you shoulder it. Regrip the stone when you have it securely tabled and then explode up and drive your hips forward to lift it onto the box. This takes a lot of getting used to so start light and get some quality reps out before looking to move up. One of the issues you may run into is the stone slipping out of your arms when you go to lift it. There are a number of tacky/pine tar type products available to help combat this, but by the time you get it on you and cleaned up you've lost a lot of time. Since you're not a professional strongman and your success doesn't depend on whether or not you can lift a certain sized stone (although having the strength to lift heavier stones will certainly help you in a fight) I just have my fighters chalk their hands and arms to help cut down on the slippage that occurs. If you do end up going with tacky, a mechanic's hand cleaner like Goop works well when looking to clean it off when you're done.

MMA Usage: The stone lift is very similar to the sandbag shouldering exercise and, as a result, offers some of the same benefits as the sandbag.

There you go, the top 4 strongman exercises that you need to start incorporating into your MMA training workouts immediately. I work them in with my MMA fighters on the 3rd day which focuses on building full body power and reactive strength. There are a number of ways to work them in, and depending on your goals, you may want to put a bigger or smaller emphasis on these exercises. But, no matter what, you need to start working these into your MMA training workouts in some capacity.

Dickie White is a 2006 graduate of Ithaca College where he earned his BS in Clinical Exercise Science. He is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Most recently he completed his MBA at Binghamton University (Fall 2009 graduate). He is the co-owner of Ironworks Gym where he specializes in training wrestlers and MMA fighters. His client list includes former UFC Welterweight Tamdan "The Barn Cat" McCrory as well as a number of National wrestling champions and a Junior World Championship Placewinner. To find out more about his training and the


MMA - How to End a Fight Quickly

By Dr. Geoff Aitken, Ph.D.
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Expert Author Dr. Geoff Aitken, Ph.D.

In this article I am going to look at how to end a fight quickly, particularly an MMA fight. Whether we are competing in the cage or ring or defending ourselves in a real street fight situation the faster we can finish the fight the better.

1) The most important aspect of winning any confrontation is to stay focused and relaxed during the set up stages. Develop an attitude of performing your very best game, not of beating your opponent. You must work on the things that you can control in the fight, not on those things that are out of your control. Thus work on your game and produce the very best example of it.

2) Train and drill the techniques in your MMA game. The footwork, strikes, takedowns, ground control game and the finishes must be second nature. You must drill the techniques so that they happen automatically when the opportunity arises.

3) Attack your opponent's weaknesses and work your strengths. You want to get your opponent off his/her game plan and maintain yours. When the opponent is forced into a fight, that they are not strong in, they make more mistakes and get frustrated and hurt which, in turn, forces them to make more mistakes. By staying calm and sticking to your game plan you will easily end the fight quickly.

4) When developing your MMA fight game concentrate on developing your fundamental techniques to a high level of ability. Then work on dealing with problems when trying to execute them. That is, work on the delivery and execution of a solid core of fundamental techniques.

5) Train evasion and counters so that they are second nature; "Make him miss and make him pay".

6) In your standup, train your footwork to get you in quick so that you beat the opponent to the punch or takedown and either knock him out or bring him down for a quick finish. Most fightys are won or lost in the initial setup, "bridging the gap" phase.

7) In striking, train the straight right, left hook combination as this is a powerful standup knock out combination.

8) Work the knees to the head. This is a very powerful strike that will end a fight quickly if executed at the right time. When holding the head get to the side and/or keep the opponent off balance by changing angles and pulling him/her as you smash the knees in.

9) On the ground, when you get mount or side control, train punching effectively. A very good strategy is to punch in bunches, that is, rather than just pour on the punches take your time to pick the shots and create openings for the next punch. Change the rhythm of your punches and take short rests in between bursts so that you don't burn your arms out.

10) On the ground train getting to the back from every position. This is a very dangerous position for the opponent and difficult to defend. When working the back you can strike effectively, return to the mount if the opponent manages to start getting out and of course you have the back choke, one of the most prolific and effective finishes in MMA. Therefore getting the back should be drilled relentlessly as it is one of the fastest ways to end any fight.

If you start to implement these ideas and ways of thinking into your MMA game you will begin to realize how to end a fight quickly and develop the confidence to take on any opponent, keep in mind that a major factor in learning how to end a fight quickly is in the setups and mind-set.


MMA Tips Online - Finding Professional Online MMA Training

By William Mulder
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Are you interested in finding professional online MMA training? Do you want to find MMA tips online that will help you improve your martial arts skills quickly and efficiently? It is possible to learn mixed martial arts from home, you just need to find the right training program.

The Disciplines Of Mixed Martial Arts

The world of mixed martial arts is becoming a very popular sport. More and more people are taking up MMA and over the past ten years the discipline has become very refined, pumping out some of the worlds greatest athletes.

Mixed martial arts incorporates a variety of disciplines such as; Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, Olympic wrestling, Olympic boxing and muay thai kickboxing. Other martial arts such Karate and Tae-kwondo have also been incorporated. MMA is one of the hardest combat sports to master, and will require a strict daily training routine if you ever expect to be in a position to fight at a professional level.

Apart from the combat part of the sport MMA requires a great deal of strength, speed and flexibility. Without just one of these components you may find yourself at a major disadvantage. It can be difficult to find somewhere that will provide training in all of these aspects of MMA. Learning from a private instructor will cost a lot of money, that's why the internet can be a very good option for people that want to learn but don't have the money or flexibility of someone else's schedule.

The Benefits Of Online MMA Training

The internet is full of useful resources and instructions on how to get started with mixed martial arts. If you go down this route when you start learning just remember these simple things;

1. Make sure the website you learn from has been created by professional fighters that are in the MMA industry.

2. Make sure you have access to video demonstrations of moves and exercises.

3. Make sure you practice on a daily basis, preferably with a training partner.

The best thing about online MMA training is that you get to practice at your own convenience. This means that it is up to you how quickly you improve as you don't need to wait up to a week for a one hour lesson.

Where To Find MMA Tips Online

Learning mixed martial arts online is a great way to get started or improve your current skills. Remember, it isn't as easy as it may seem and it could take years for you to master. If you want professional MMA tips online then I would recommend a system called Damage Control. The training programs that are taught in Damage Control are endorsed by a number of different professional mixed martial artists and UFC fighters.

Finding good quality MMA tips online can be very difficult. To get professional training advice visit: Online MMA Training

Learning how to master mixed martial arts will take a very long time. However, you can drastically speed up the process by getting tuition over the internet.


MMA Conditioning - What It Takes to Win an MMA Fight

By Tim Parisi
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Expert Author Tim Parisi

If you are a fan of MMA, or have started MMA Conditioning training, then you should know it takes more than technique to win. Many fighters have lost purely due to the fact that they are not as quick, powerful, or long lasting as their opponents. And their problem stems right from their training. Here are is a list of things that a good MMA conditioning program MUST address, but most fighters really have no idea about.

Endurance - In MMA conditioning this is often mislabeled as "Cardio." This is the fighter's ability to outlast his opponent in a match. In reality, Cardio only refers to one of THREE energy systems in the body. The fighter must not only be aware of these, but actually be able to train all three systems simultaneously in order to last properly. A good MMA conditioning program will address these qualities and how to train them.

Explosive Power - This is essentially a combination of speed and strength, when it comes to MMA conditioning. You have to have the speed to land your punches as well as the strength behind them to knock out an opponent. A good sign of strong mixed martial arts Conditioning is the fighter who can close a distance to their opponent in a split second and send them reeling back. This can be done through weight training and bodyweight workouts.

Explosive Endurance - If you're going through a 15-25 minute fight, you need to not only still be standing at the end of the fight, you need to still have enough power to make your kicks and punches count. Especially if you're down in points, the only way to take away a win is with a quick knockout or submission. For that, you need to change your game and still have enough explosive power at the end of the match.

Making Weight - A good MMA Conditioning program addresses the concept that fighters have to make certain weight classes. That means that you must pack as much energy into your frame as possible, while still making it into your appropriate weight class. Your MMA conditioning should also address cutting weight. Most Pro fighters actually weigh about 10-20 pounds more than they fight at. If you are conditioning for MMA, you should be cutting weight, starting about one or two weeks before your fight day.

Technique Relevant Conditioning - Your MMA Conditioning program should address strength and conditioning that is relevant ONLY to your MMA techniques. You are not training like a bodybuilder. They are all size, and no applicable strength. You are training to fight, which means every second of your training should be oriented toward your fight. Every muscle you train and condition should directly contribute to one or more of your MMA techniques. For example, if you want a stronger punch, there are many muscle groups to condition, including your shoulders, arms, core, and legs. You want to increase these muscle groups to get the most out of your techniques. In addition, you can't over train these muscles because you do not want to hinder your technique training.

In the end, you need to know what you're looking for in your MMA Conditioning program. Many people start haphazardly, work inefficiently, or even worse go all out and hurt themselves early in their career. Make sure that you know 100% that each exercise you do will actually contribute to your overall goals in MMA conditioning. You can see my site, http://martialartswellness.com for more relevant material and workouts to improve your MMA conditioning and techniques.


MMA Training and Isometric Strength

By Gilson Oliveira
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Isometric strength is needed in all grappling styles and MMA competitions. Strikers would not benefit as much as grapplers due to the more "dynamic" nature of their arts. Maybe some work, but in a very specific way to mimic the clinching. But once you start competing in MMA tournaments, it should become part of your training regime. At least, that's what I think.

When I look around is very disappointing to notice that when trainers talk about "static holds" they only talk about grip strength...nothing else! Sure, depending of the exercise other muscle groups would come into play, but the importance is never mentioned anywhere. How many articles on MMA conditioning have you read that brought up the need for some isometric training? If you have, when did they tell you to you apply it? I'm pretty sure that most of you never read anything about.

First, to call an activity "Isometric" (static) you have to understand that there can't be contraction, but there is TENSION. There are two phases known by us as concentric (when your muscle is shortening) and eccentric (when your muscle is lengthening). If you attempted to push a wall, for instance, you wouldn't be able to move it but you'd feel a huge amount of tension through you body as a result. This is isometry!

When you defend a takedown (you have your "underhook" ) you are trying to lift your opponent while he is "weighing down" on you (your arms). As you know or at least saw it in a fight, this can take a little while. As long as they keep in that "struggle", they are using isometric strength (nobody moving up or down). Now, I need you to pay close attention to this.

If slowly one starts to win (up or down) this shows pure strength. Strength means that you are fighting against a resistance (in this case your opponent's body or effort) without worrying how long it's gonna take as long as you win the "fight". This is maximal strength (pure strength) because we are talking about one attempt.

If you are capable of defending the takedown and quickly you pick your opponent up, then you are showing power (strength + speed). Now... if you are defending takedowns during the entire round, than you are displaying strength-endurance. Remember this...to display "power" you have to add the ability speed, otherwise it'll be just a different type of strength.

As you can see, off isometric strength I showed you three more abilities that need to be worked on for your preparation. Those among of you with more experience in MMA Training may have noticed that we are missing a very important ability to mention here. What if, during the fight I'm still capable of react quickly (picking him up) every time when defending the takedown? Because you can keep the speed round after round you now start taping into your power-endurance (strength+speed+endurance)

Can you understand the consequences if you leave one or more abilities out of your workout planning?

Gilson Barbarian Oliveira is a renowned strength and conditioning coach with more than 15 years of experience in combat sports and 21 years in martial arts. He has coached fighters for MMA, K-1,World Jiu Jitsu, Abu Dabhi and Wrestling.
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Get Into Shape the MMA Way!

By Jason William Mitchiner
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I'm 34 years old. I thought after your 20s its pretty much down hill. You metabolism slows down, hair gets thinner, endurance slows down. When I turned 30 I thought this was pretty much my peak, my last hooray at being the best I could be athletically. I started power lifting and taking protein shakes. I looked at football players and thought that they seemed like they were in the best shape, the ultimate athlete, I mean who wouldn't think that watching the games even on television they seem invincible and are hit with incredible force and the strength displayed is daunting to say the least when thinking of myself on that field although I am fit I am also fast so use your imagination were that ever to occur!

I went from 165 lbs to 185 lbs and benched 275 lbs 10 times while squatting the same. However as I got on the tread mill I couldn't even run a mile without getting out of breath, me the ultimate try anything guy, an athlete in every sense since I can remember who have never shied away from any physical challenge and welcomed it, being something I thought would be successful in a career or just for fun, I love physical movement and using my body and understanding it's incredible ability to be flexible to my needs and to push myself, surfing, scuba diving, swimming, etc. Then my biceps starting swelling up so much from curling 75lb dumbbells that it looked like a witch doctor had shrunken my head, the ultimate peanut head. Then I realized that except for the wide receivers and running backs in football, most football players are in only relatively good shape, not fantastic or extreme shape, depending on the position and needs some are actually over weight and only condition their bodies for a quick explosion of physical exertion as most plays from the time the ball is snapped is only 4 seconds and then the football players can go to the sidelines after only a few plays for oxygen, a drink, and even a substitute to go in for them.

After this realization and my constant heavy breathing, as if I had just smoked a pack of Camels, (I'm a non-smoker) I thought I would start giving endurance running a try. I started doing 5 miles races working my way up to a Marathon. As I looked at the top runners, the ones winning the races, in the early days even envying the ones just finishing the races (which I still see as winning because they did not quit) I looked at their bodies and saw mostly skin and bones. Muscles and weight slow you down; I was getting passed by many children who weighed around 60 lbs because they are so light. This reminded me of the Olympic runner who was banned due to being an amputee and his prosthetics, Oscar Pistorius a distance runner because he "shaved" off some weight and had additional spring back from his new bionic legs, called Blade Running.

Two years ago I stumbled upon MMA. MMA or Mixed Martial Arts was a "sport" I had no prior experience of any type in. I had not done any type of combat sport before. I never wrestled, boxed, or did any karate. I had been an athlete, am an athlete, a writer, a father, a provider. I simply had never had much of a need or desire for any combat sports. I always watched wrestling, enjoyed boxing, and then UFC and eventually MMA as it gained popularity with a lot of admiration for the fighters and their discipline to get in shape and fight in their respective "strengths" and "sports".

Have you watched MMA on TV? If you have or something similar like I had done prior to going into my first class, I had all of the preconceived notions that it is a violent sport and only suited for the young, or aged athlete again going for the "last hooray", again, I had felt I was far past my prime. I walked into my first day of the MMA building where I had signed up and started to train and learn. I was in total shock as my body and brain tried to reconcile with the type of exercise that we, as a group had to do together. Not only was my body doing new things that I never knew my body could do or was capable of doing (different stretching, grappling in different positions, and here I am thinking I knew myself so well it was my body and I was stunned) and my mind, it was almost more challenging as I was being pushed and challenged mentally in a way I never envisioned.. As I was actively learning the different steps needed to defeat an opponent (like when you play chess, you must think ahead, it is about strategy, about strengths, and also about honesty, know yourself, and also trust your trainer).

After my first class, I knew I was hooked, it wasn't mindless weight lifting, or running till I'm skin and bones. The professional MMA fighters and trainers were all in supreme shape, a perfect blend of strength, endurance, and mental balance.

Now about battling in the octagon, it is not required by any MMA school that if you start taking classes you need to ever step into or even support the "action" in the octagon to test your skills. There are beginner's classes and children's classes that focus mostly on the "getting in shape" and TOTAL balance of mind, body, and spirit aspect of MMA. However, there are advanced classes and sparring and "live" sessions where you can test all of your MMA, again, without entering the octagon.

Finally, there is entering the octagon. If you have an over whelming desire or ambition of becoming a Pro MMA fighter, then this is the path you will be taking. I never knew after my first class, that I would end up in the octagon, but yet here I am and loving each time I get to enter the cage. Bas Rutten, a UFC Heavyweight Champion, 3 time winner of the Pancrase world champion, now the retired Dutch MMA fighter is an MMA authority, revered and respected he advises that a fighter waits at least three years before their first MMA fight. I think this is a very good and sound rule of thumb.

I entered the octagon after only one year of training and even though my stand up was really good and I was beating my opponent that way, eventually he exploited my weakness and took me to the ground and beat me with a "rear naked choke". (MMA terminology yet I believe you can imagine it was less than pleasant and definitely not something I wished to repeat). I was not discouraged however, perhaps more motivated as I have never been a quitter and have stood by everything I've worked toward and still do until the end result is accomplished. Until then it is all a work in progress, as I am and will continue to be for there is no "perfect" technique or fighter yet they have perfected to the best of their abilities their own strengths and weaknesses and using that philosophy I worked harder on my ground game. My next fight, I sought out another "striker" as I thought this would be a good matchup, instead of fighting another fighter with a wrestling background. However, this "striker" found out about my weakness on the ground and exploited it again, giving me, yet again, a loss. So I have an amateur record of 0-2 in the ring. That's ok; I'll just work harder at my ground and keep getting into the octagon. I am hopeful and confident for my first win in the near future and eventual move onto the next level or wherever MMA takes me.

Even though a victory in the octagon has eluded me thus far, the shape I'm in, I couldn't be happier with. I'm 5'10, 155lbs, I have muscles that are functional and serve a purpose in grappling, striking and in other activities. I have endurance that is explosive, which keeps my body lean and my muscles defined. I'm 34 years old now and look and feel better than I ever have in my life. As we age, some people have gone towards human growth hormones, some plastic surgery. It is more than a sport; it is a way of life, a lifestyle. I say get into shape the MMA way and start today for a new body, mind, and outlook on life!

Taking Up Martial Arts? Why Choosing a School With a Professional MMA Instructor Is Better

By Jackie Knapp
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There is no doubt that Martial Arts schools across the country have been gaining more students and expanding faster than ever in recent years. The sudden burst in interest in Martial Arts is because people around the U.S. are finally realizing the usefulness of knowing a Martial Art, are recognizing how effective it is in getting into shape, and they see that it is a fun activity to adopt as a life-long exercise program.

When it comes to choosing a school or health facility that offers Martial Arts they fall on a large scale; at the bottom are gyms that offer MMA classes taught by an instructor who was trained at a workshop that lasted 2 weeks that has very little experience, and at the top are schools that offer professional MMA instructors with black belts in their specialties. While a 2-week trained professor will be able to deliver an effective enough workout, teach basic MMA moves, and guide students to better fitness, there is a limit to how far students will be able to develop their own skill set under someone fairly inexperienced. If there is any type of choice, choosing a school from the start with a professional MMA instructor is the best decision to make.

Many people who pick up a Martial Art don't think to pursue it as a professional career path, they simply have heard the great health benefits and want to get in on the fast fat burning and quick muscle building associated with Martial Arts classes. Surprisingly however, many people who become involved with Martial Arts start with small goals of simply losing weight and end up with a much larger set of things they wish to accomplish, meaning they will need a much more competitive class.

This is where beginning in a top-notch facility comes in. Training in a facility like in Fredericksburg, Virginia gives students the option of moving up quickly to more competitive levels very easily, and can help to provide professional MMA training for the octagon if a student were to decide to pursue professional MMA fighting as a career. It is very beneficial to begin learning MMA in a school that allows students to grow in all directions and doesn't inhibit them from expanding their skill set because of their instructor's inexperience or inability to teach them more advanced moves.

Martial Arts schools with professional MMA instructors also tend to have much better equipment than gyms that offer "workshopped" instructors. For anyone to be able to perform to their fullest, competitive or not, the equipment and facility that they practice their Martial Arts moves in needs to be up-to-date and top of the line. Proper equipment is crucial to helping students get the most out of their lessons and their money, and schools with professional MMA fighters have exceptional equipment because it's what a professional would want to use.

In the end it all comes down to how much a student wants to pursue their MMA goals, but even if a person is just looking to get fit, giving themselves the option of growing and expanding from the start will encourage them to dream bigger than they ever have before.

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