
Download Holy Grail Body Transformation Program

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Holy Grail Body Transformation Program Review

By John Davenport

The two biggest desires of fitness oriented people is to lose fat and gain muscle. Combining the two desires and achieving them at the same time is considered to be the ultimate goal. This is what Tom Venuto claims to be able to teach you in the Holy Grail Transformation program.

If you've never heard about Tom Venuto it's high time you did. He's the creator of the well known Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle Program, one of the leading nutrition and fitness plans online since 2003. He is a natural bodybuilder (drugs free) and has been widely featured in numerous magazines and publications. His reputation as an expert is second to none.

However, the claim of being able to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time seems a bit too much even for him. After all, the two goals seem to be opposite to each other: to lose fat usually means eating less or creating a calorie deficit, while building muscle requires a calorie surplus.

The truth is, as Tom Venuto admits in this program, is that you can't shed fat and build muscle at the same exact moment in time but you can do it in the space of a certain time. For instance, if you examine your results over the span of a month, you can lose fat and gain muscle over that timeframe. However, to do that in an effective way requires you to do it "strategically", combining workout and nutritional methods in the right order and at the right time to achieve optimal results.

The Holy Grail Body Transformation program begins with a short and interesting review of the science that supports the entire program. You may wish to "jump" ahead to the actual workouts but I advise reading this section.

Tom Venuto explores various studies and discusses certain elements that influence how you burn fat and gain muscle such as Muscle Memory, genetics, and so on. He discusses how you can partition your calories in a smart way, turning a calorie surplus into muscle gain and making sure that your calorie deficit is made up of fat calories.

What this means is that when you eat more than you expand, you have to make sure you use those extra calories to build muscle and when you eat less than you expand, how to make sure you turn to your fat stores for the extra energy you need.

This is what Tom Venuto teaches in this book: how to use workouts and nutritional methods such as cyclical dieting in the right way to produce concurrent fat loss and muscle gain.

Overall, the program is short, to the point, but extensive. There are no gimmicks and shortcuts in this program, just science, pure and simple.

If you're interested in losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time, this program may be exactly what you seek.


The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program Review of Tom Venuto's E-Book

By Darren Letourneau

The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program has answered my prayers. There is finally a program that you can lose fat and build muscle at the same time. Losing fat and building muscle at the same time is a bit deceiving. It's not actually at the same time. It's actually withing the same time period. For example 2 weeks, 1 month, 7 weeks.

The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program takes everyone's goals into account. Everyone has different fitness goals so Tom Venuto has created 4 goals for you to choose from:

Focus on fat loss
Focus on Muscle Building
Focus on Fat Loss with a secondary goal of Building Muscle.
Focus on Building Muscle with a secondary goal of Losing Fat.

Cyclical Dieting and Nutrition Timing

The main focus of The Holy Grail is Cyclical Dieting and Nutrition Timing. I know you are probably confused by these terms. Cyclical Dieting is simply cycling your diet. A normal diet for fat loss would have you in a caloric deficit for the whole diet. The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program is about cycling your diet so you are in a caloric deficit or a caloric surplus for shorter periods of time. Depending on which goal you choose. Different goals will have different amounts of time in a surplus or deficit.

The nutrition timing section focuses on when you need to be fueling your body and with which nutrition aspects such as protein, carbs and fats.

Results to Expect

The results you can expect with this program depend on 4 factors:

How long you've been training - The longer that you have been training the slower your muscle gain will be. Beginners will gain muscle a lot faster.
Your Muscle Memory - It's easier to regain muscle that you have lost then it is to build new muscle.
Your Genetics - This has to do with your body type. Some body types will gain muscle faster and others will be more gifted in the area of fat loss. Everyone is different but some people are just gifted in these areas.
Drugs will also play a factor in your results. Some people will take drugs such as steroids to increase their muscle gains or other drugs to speed up fat burning. This definitely is NOT the way to go. You can do everything without drugs.

If you really want results and you are determined to get them, then none of these 4 factors should stand in your way of getting the Holy Grail Body Transformation you desire.

The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program also includes:

Resistance and Cardio training information and recommendations.
The lifestyle factors that will affect your transformation.
A Questions and Answers section with questions from The Holy Grail Transformation Program 1.0. Tom answers the best questions he received to help clarify what is in the program.
Carb cycling meal plans.
A Calories cheat sheet. This is for calculating how many calories you should be consuming.
A Database of foods with their calorie and nutrient information.
A one week workout schedule.

The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program is a program that teaches you nutrition that is necessary for losing fat and Building Muscle at the same time. This is not a book about workouts and exercises to do for burning fat and building muscle at the same time.


Holy Grail Body Transformation - A Fab Bod Secret!

By Norman Dewight Campbell

Always dreamt of becoming the ultimate object of desire? Now is the time to stop desiring and doing the right thing. Holy grail Body Transformation is what is making waves with people of all ages, dreaming to have that fab bod to die for. So, what's really new and outstanding about it, isn't this what struck you, when you read the last line? I am sure, it must have. By the end, you'll be able to answer this yourself.

Fitness model genetics? With Holy Grail Body Transformation program who needs it after all!! Has someone ever told you that to have that fab bod, you need to have some fitness model genetics. With Holy Grail, the answer is 'NO'. Now a days, where hundreds of such body transformation programs commit to give you that young "Brad Pitt" or "Jennifer Garner" bods and fail miserably. Holy Grail is an unparalleled new breakthrough in the world of fitness, combining 'cyclical dieting' and 'nutrient timing'.

Holy Grail- Flips your metabolic and hormonal switches What does this flipping do for your body anyway? It's the ultimate secret behind the fab bod that Holy Grail body transformation offers. This not only burns your fat but also help build muscles at the same time. Body grail takes complete care, that while you shred those extra pounds, you do not loose your precious muscles at any cost. To make it more transparent, tell me, if after a diet program you transform from a sack bag to a not so filled sack bag, would you call it a body transformation. Absolutely NO! On the other hand, loosing weight with muscle building simultaneously, Bingo! That sounds like a complete win-win situation. Doesn't that? And this is what Holy Grail body transformation does for you. It takes care of your fat-to-muscle ratio paying attention to your body composition and making it fit from outside and within.

Its so easy to get six-pack abs or a 'Bikini-Ready' Bod with Holy Grail Wondering is it really as easy as it sounds? With Holy Gail body transformation program, it definitely is easier than it sounds. Working in just three simple ways and following the right nutritional strategy, Holy Grail body transformation:

• Makes you loose fat without loss of any muscle
• Helps gain muscle without gaining fat
• Gain muscle and loose fat, altogether

There are hundreds of ordinary people, just like you, who have made some serious physique transformation possible with Holy Grail. Are you gonna be one of those, or one amongst many who keep sulking when they see a beautiful bod pass by them? With Body Grail, be a part of the happy, fit and fab bod success stories, any body transformation program has ever had.


Holy Grail Body Transformation Review

By Thomas K
Expert Author Thomas K

When it comes to getting your body in shape you have probably read article after article about how to diet so that you can lose weight and then gain muscle. But, what you are about to learn is that you can lose weight and gain muscle at the same time. This can be done by following the Holy Grail Body Transformation Program and learning from the steps that you can take in order to transform your body into the machine that you have been dreaming of.

1. The Ultimate Goal.

Those that are losing weight seem to get upset because they start to lose muscle in the process. Of course, those that want muscle seem to gain weight and they find themselves upset over that. But, when they learn that they can lose the weight and build muscle at the same time they tend not to believe it. Once they see the Holy Grail Body Transformation Program in action it is hard to not believe that it can be done.

2. Instant Access.

Once you click on the acceptance button you are going to have instant access to all of the information that you need. Once you start reading the Holy Grail Body Transformation Program you are going to be amazed at just how you can gain muscle and lose weight all at the same time. This is going to give you the answers that you have been looking for. There are no strings attached to this offer only the information that you are looking for in order to improve your workout.

3. Made For Everyone.

Whether you are a trainer, an athlete or just an average everyday person you are going to find that you can get in the best shape of your life with just a few simple changes to your daily routine. With the right guidance and instruction you will be on the road to success in no time and wishing that you had found this information sooner. The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program is going to help you to meet your goals and reach your final destination faster than you ever thought possible.

Holy Grail Body Transformation Review - How To Lose Body Fat But Gain Muscle Mass

By Andrew Pekar

Do you want to learn how to lose body fat but gain muscle mass at the same time with Holy Grail Body Transformation Program? This is one of the most commonly asked questions in the fitness industry, with the other one being how to get six pack abs quickly.

Gaining muscle and losing fats at the same time is a very tough topic even for many experienced trainers in the industry whom most would think know how to achieve this goal. The truth is that when you ask different trainers this questions, it is likely that you will get many different answers that can conflict one another, which is exactly what I found when I started researching about this topic.

1. Who Created The Holy Grail Body Transformation System and Can You Really Trust Him?

Tom Venuto, the fitness expert who created Holy Grail Body Transformation and has also helped thousands of people worldwide achieve their fitness goals, has compressed all the information he knows about simultaneous fat loss and muscle gain in his new training program. He has also proven with this system that losing body fat while gaining muscle mass at the same time is entirely possible when used with the right training program.

2. Who Should You Use The Holy Grail Body Transformation System?

This program is tailored made for people with different types of fitness goals in mind. If you are trying to lose a couple of pounds, or you really want to build muscle mass but need to lose some pounds at the same time, this system would be suitable for you.

Testing of this training program was done by people from many different age groups ranging from those in their teenage years to those in the mid 40s to 50s. Evidence and testimonials also show that his clients have managed to lose up to 256 pounds after successfully following through and completing the training program.


Holy Grail Body Transformation Review - Why Timing Is Everything

By John Davenport

The Holy Grail Body Transformation system by Tom Venuto strives to achieve two of the most coveted fitness goals at the same time, namely to gain muscle and to lose fat. To the more informed fitness professional, this may seem to be an impossible combination yet Tom Venuto stands by his claim that it is possible.

The reason why losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time seems to be impossible is that fat loss requires a calorie deficit while building muscle requires a calorie surplus. Naturally, you can't have both at the same time.

But, Tom Venuto explains, it is all a matter of how you view time. If you're looking at every specific second or minute then you won't find yourself gaining fat and losing muscle simultaneously. However, if by "at the same time" you mean during the same week or month then, with the right strategy, you can burn body fat and build lean muscle tissue together.

The secret is timing. In the Holy Grail Body Transformation program, Tom Venuto refers to this as nutritional periodization, a powerful concept where you change the amount of calories that you eat and even the type of calories that you consume to fit your current goal of that day or week. If your aim is to lose fat, you eat to create a sensible calorie deficit. If you want to build muscles, you supply your body with the right nutrients and a calorie surplus.

When you know how to switch from one nutritional period to the other in an effective way, you can gain muscle one time and lose fat the other. This is what the Holy Grail Body Transformation teaches and why it's such a powerful concept. However, the program also teaches how to manipulate your hormones to make sure that your body doesn't burn muscle tissue when you're on a calorie deficit. By keeping your hormones in check, you can maintain muscle mass on your deficit days and increase it on your surplus days. As you're also losing fat on your deficit days, the end results is a simultaneous muscle gain and fat loss.

I know that this may seem complicated and Tom Venuto bases his program on some complex research. But applying these principles should not be hard as it's all explained in the program in a step by step manner.

I am confident that by using this program, you can achieve the two fitness goals, lose fat and build muscle together. The program is easy to follow and the results can be impressive.


The Real Truth About the Holy Grail Body Transformation System

By Benjamin Teal
Expert Author Benjamin Teal

There has been a lot of buzz circulating lately about the Holy Grail Body Transformation system and its ability to allow you to build muscle and burn fat at the same time.

If you are like most people, you have looked at the people featured in body building and fitness magazines and thought that you could never look like them. You may have even believed that such a body was only possible if you could devote your entire life to working out and for most, that is just not possible.

Do not give up yet.

There is something new on the fitness horizon and it is worth a look. The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program is soon to be released and you may want to take advantage of all that it has to offer.

Yes, it's true that there are many fitness, weight loss and body building plans for you to choose from. It is also true that many of them do not work and are clearly not worth your time or money. The Holy Grail Body Transformation system is not like those other programs however, and many who have tried and failed with those can succeed with this one.

You should know that the creator of this program, Tom Venuto, is not just some scientist who can up with a systems and thought it might work. He is a real person who through hard work and lots of unsuccessful attempts came up with a plan that allowed him to transform himself from an over weight frat boy into a competitive body builder. Now that he has perfected the method he is willing to let you in on his secret.

Because it was created by someone who had tried and failed at attaining his workout goals, this body transformation plan addresses the problems that real people will meet, like genetics.

Overcoming Your Genetics

It is widely known that some people have a much easier time getting huge muscles and keeping them than others do. They simply have a genetic predisposition to good muscling. If you are not one of these people, and lets face it, most of us aren't, following this plan will still enable you to grow and keep muscles.

Another issue that many struggle with is the fact that sometimes our own body works against us. Often the things that really help you to build muscle also unfortunately lead to the build up of fat, or the plans we follow to help us burn fat break down muscle in the process.

Not any more.

Now it is possible to actually burn fat while you build muscle at the same time.

Yeah, I'm Sure You Can Build Muscle and Burn Fat at the Same Time... If You Move Into the Gym!

Time is another reason that many believe they can not reach their body building goals. Most people just do not have the time and money to devote their entire lives to working out. This plan allows you to really change your body even if you do not have a lot of spare time.

Perhaps the biggest selling point for the Holy Grail Body Transformation program is that it can transform your body with having you take drugs of any kind. The creator believes that building muscle and getting fit should be the result of a healthy lifestyle, not one that has the potential to damage your health.

The Holy Grail Body Transformation - How to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle at the Same Time

By Kyle Battis
Expert Author Kyle Battis

In his controversial "Holy Grail Body Transformation Program: How to Gain Muscle and Lose Fat at the Same Time", Tom Venuto - my good friend and well-respected fat loss expert, fitness trainer, and natural bodybuilder - takes on one of the most thoroughly discussed controversies in mainstream fitness circles in this day and age: how to lose body fat and pack on muscle mass at the same time (which he has named the "Holy Grail" of body transformation).

One thing that sets Venuto's "Holy Grail" apart from other fitness e-books is its urgent call to move the debate away from weight loss, which involves a loss of muscle, water, and important lean tissue, to realistic body transformation goals. Defying the huge "diet" multinationals (you know who they are!), Venuto recommends choosing one of the following four (4) goals instead:

1. Focused fat loss (Recommended for overweight people.)

2. Focused muscle gain (Recommended for skinny people.)

3. Fat loss as first priority, with concurrent muscle gain as a secondary goal.

4. Muscle gain as first priority, with concurrent fat loss as a secondary goal.

The "Holy Grail" presents a detailed, integrated plan for achieving each of these goals with appropriate combinations of training, diet, nutrition, and recovery time. All in down-to-earth, easily understood language, something you won't find in other mainstream health and fitness books today.

"Timing is everything"

Some people are blessed with respect to current age, genetics, previous fitness experience, etc. that give them a leg up in the muscle gain and fat loss wars. In "Holy Grail", Venuto quotes a study where sedentary, overweight males made tremendous gains over a 14-week period (on average, a gain of 9.5 pounds of muscle mass; loss of 16.3 pounds of body fat) using a very ordinary resistance program and "boring" steady-state cardio.

Life just isn't fair!

However, by altering our definition of time, Venuto demonstrates how people can manipulate "controllable" factors like caloric intake with carbohydrate cycling. As he states, our bodies are in a constant state of flux (caloric deficit, caloric surplus, protein synthesis and breakdown etc.). Our job is to intelligently pursue our goals over days, weeks, and months - whatever time it takes to achieve them.


Holy Grail Body Transformation - Lose Fat, Gain Muscle With Tom Venuto

By John Davenport

Tom Venuto is widely known as one of the world's leading experts on fat loss and muscle gain. But even for him, the claim that you can lose fat and gain muscle at the same time seems farfetched. However, this is exactly what he teaches in the Holy Grain Body Transformation system, a program that teaches how to "kill two birds with one stone": burn off body fat and build lean muscle tissue concurrently.

Concurrently is a word that has to be understood when you review the Holy Grail Body Transformation Program as Tom Venuto states quite clearly that if you look at any one precise moment in time, you can't lose fat and gain muscle together. However, if you take a broader perspective, concurrently can mean "on the same day" or "on the same month" and so on.

So, while you can't gain muscle and melt away fat at exactly the same time, you can do it over a short space of time. The key is to understand how it's done.

Tom Venuto shows how you can use carb and calorie cycling in ways to help you achieve various fat loss/muscle gain goals. You can choose to lose lots of fat and gain just a little muscle, build huge muscles and lose just a little fat, or go for a moderate fat loss/muscle gain together. Whichever you choose, you can pretty much create your own nutrition strategy to help.

This is all based on science and Tom Venuto includes references to research and case studies to support his claims and methods. At no time, does he promise outrageous or over the top results. I like that as he makes it clear that this is not an easy goal to accomplish. You need to be ready to follow a detailed and accurate eating plan and to workout hard (mostly strength training with a dose of cardio) to be able to achieve the finest results.

And, you can't expect results over night, there is no magical fat burning muscle gaining trick that you can use, just a detailed system that requires time, patience and hard work on your part. What's good is that the program is easy to understand, it can be read in one sitting, and you can do it without supplements.

However, you should know that this is probably not a program for people who just want to lose a few pounds. It's a program for people who wish to lose fat and gain muscle tissue and are willing to make the appropriate effort to do it.


Holy Grail Body Transformation Gives New Look At The Business of Losing Weight and Gaining Muscle

By Nadasdi Thomas L

Just as the ultimate prize for Crusaders during the Holy wars was the Holy Grail, such is the search for a diet plan that will help you lose weight and gain muscle at the same time. The two ideas and actions seem to be at odds with each other as losing weight requires the elimination of calories from your body as you need to increase calorie intake to gain muscle. However, best selling e-book author Tom Venuto has taken on the challenge and developed the Holy Grail Body Transformation for the fitness guru who has fat to burn and muscle to build.

Outlining the science behind the the theory, Venuto is quite knowledgeable of the body and the science behind losing weight. He compares other diet plans and finds their short comings in that they cause you to lose the muscle as you're losing weight. Instead, with his Holy Grail Body Transformation, you actually gain some muscle while you're losing.

The program goes on to detail through the second part of the book an eating plan that is based on the timing of the nutrients and nutritional periodization. Here, according to Venuto you will have changes in the makeup of your diet and for three days you will eat from a reduced number of calories per day followed by a greater intake day.

Additionally, adjustments are made in your daily nutritional intake and you will also eat more healthy foods after your workouts. Here, he emphasizes the need to eat within 30 minutes of finishing your exercise and he recommends a specific combination of carbohydrates and protein for the meal. The use of liquid meals are also encouraged as they are absorbed into the body and go to work quicker than regular whole foods. While there are store bought after workout drinks you can buy, you can also make your own using whey protein and carbohydrate powders. Dependent on your goal, whole foods are better for losing weight and satisfying your appetite while the liquid meals are better for those looking to bulk up.

Part of what makes this program work for the dieter is that you plan your two biggest meals to be before and after your workouts and contain most of your daily allowance of carbohydrates. To get the details on how to transform your body, build muscle and lose fat, read Holy Grail Body Transformation. It will change the way you see your weight loss journey and make you wonder why you waited so long to make the change.


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No.Tel ANDA :
Alamat Emel ANDA :
Alamat Emel ALTERNATIF : (jika ada)
Alamat FB ANDA : (jika ada)


*Kami akan menghantar maklumat untuk menghubungi MAID tersebut ke emel anda dalam tempoh 48 jam.

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