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5 Creative Ideas to Quit Smoking Today

By Julie Andres

Hundreds of books were published to inform the public of the benefits quitting today. Unfortunately, only a few of these books have landed on different bestseller lists. There are numerous review sites but people are more interested in satisfying their perversion over the internet, than trying to quit smoking today.

It seems that the campaign "quit smoking today" needs more ideas to effectively persuade the public. Here are some creative ideas for stop smoking reviews sites in their advocacy to encourage people for a smoke free world.

1. Stop smoking reviews sites should be encouraged to post disturbing images that will emphasize the ill effects of smoking. Stop smoking reviews sites should be littered with pictures of people on their deathbed, photo scans of damaged internal organs thanks to smoking and other images of people whose bodies were destroyed because they stubbornly refused to quit smoking today.

2. Encourage other websites to allow stop smoking reviews advertisements free of charge and in turn the government will reward the sponsor sites with subsidies or tax exemptions. This is more cost effective than subsidizing health care programs. Some stop smoking reviews sites noted that the cost of treating lung cancer due to smoking reached $143billion in the US alone. For sure, giving incentives to host stop smoking reviews in different web sites will not dent the national treasury. If the government is really serious in encouraging its citizens to quit smoking today, it should do its share seriously and concretely.

3. Packaging of cigarettes should be altered to include images of the ill effects of smoking. People tend to patronize products that are beautifully packaged. Having these images will discourage people to buy the products, seeing disturbing images on each cigarette pack may do the trick in urging people to quit smoking today. Stop smoking reviews sites on the other hand can complement this suggestion by encouraging people to post their photographs and share these with cigarette manufacturers.

4. Reviews site owners can extend their quit smoking today advocacy by using their skills, talents, and resources and holding offline activities such as "Search For The Most Heavily Damaged Bodies Due To Smoking." Events like this should be well documented, frequently implemented and accompanying pictures must be posted in all stop smoking reviews sites. It will indulge the winners and contestants with their own 15 minutes of fame and at the same time show the public concrete images of the ill effects of delaying the decision to quit smoking today. This type of search might be eclectic but as mentioned earlier in this article, the campaign to quit smoking today needs more than conventional approaches.

5. Penalize smokers with heavy taxes. The impact that they contributed in damaging the environment maybe small but bear in mind; a damage is a damage no mater how you see it. Stop smoking reviews sites should include monitoring and profiling smokers and share the information with the government to help it collect appropriate penalties and taxes from smokers. Extracting money from them may help smokers decide to quit smoking today.

The world is continuously changing. New methods and new approaches are created to address different concerns. The conventional approaches to quit smoking today are challenged because of the mixed results it generated in encouraging people to quit smoking today.


How Much Would You Buy With $150 Savings If You Quit Smoking Today?

By Julie Andres

However, a stop smoking reviews site pointed out that the amount might be huge now but by then, the real value of the amount might be smaller. Thus, we have to stick with $150 as our monetary reward to motivate people to quit smoking today. We have to identify what you can buy with $150 to encourage people to stop smoking.

A teacher that visited one of the stop smoking reviews commented that $150 can actually buy at least 5 children's books. The teacher stressed that it is a sad reality that the number of children who were deprived of reading materials is increasing everyday.

More children are denied the pleasures of reading. The stop smoking reviews administrator reacted by saying that it is better to burn our eyebrows reading excellent books than burning our money with inhaling dangerous cigarettes. Quit smoking today and help thousands of children engage in the habit of reading.

Your $150 savings can buy you immortality. Stop smoking reviews pointed out that donating your savings made by quitting smoking today is a wise decision to help you stop smoking. Your name will be etched in the annals of history as one of the millions of people who helped change other people's lives.

There are millions of people, especially in the Third World countries, who were deprived of any sort of respectable life. Comments from one of the readers in a stop smoking reviews site commented that millions of people would be willing to die to achieve your standards of living. Yet, you are slowly killing yourself because you do not want to quit smoking today. Your $150 can save lives. Donate now and gain prominence with your charitable acts not notoriety with your bad breath and foul smell.

It is a choice between a healthy heart and a damaged one with regard to $150. You damage a healthy heart if you do not quit smoking today and you revive a damaged heart if you quit smoking today. According to several stop smoking reviews articles each cigarette increases the risk of several cardiovascular diseases and complications happening.

One stop smoking reviews site further added that 20 minutes after you quit smoking today, your heart rate and blood pressure will decrease. Four years after you quit, the risk of a heart disease is reduced by 50 percent. So what do you do with your $150 savings if you quit smoking today? A stop smoking reviews reader suggested to accumulate it and in a year you can save enough money to treat your family to a modest vacation. Repair your heart and have a happy one, quit smoking today!

An article in one stop smoking reviews site stated that one of the immediate rewards when you quit smoking today is that food will taste better. Cigarettes destroy our sense of taste. It leaves unhealthy marks in our palate that discourage smokers to eat properly. It distorts our taste buds and we tend to prefer food which is too salty, too acidic, or too sweet.

If you quit smoking today, your $150 savings can buy you treatment for oral problems thus restoring our ability to taste food better. It can also buy you different meal plans that can help restore your health.


Quit Smoking Today Program Review

By Barry Lutz
Expert Author Barry Lutz

Quit Smoking Today

How? No one who has ever tried to stop smoking, doesn't need to be told that it will be one of the hardest things that you ever do in your life. And why is this case, it's not like there is anything special about cigarettes, and quite the contrary. Besides the very high cost to you personally, there is a far greater cost to your state in terms of medical costs and loss of productivity, and these costs filter back to the individual. And with all the undeniable facts about what smoking is doing to your health directly, as well as to people around you as a result of second hand smoke, quit smoking today shouldn't be so hard.

But that is the logical viewpoint to quitting; that has nothing at all to do with the reasons behind why you are smoking, along with the nicotine in your cigarettes being addictive and making it all the harder to stop smoking regardless of the reasons.

There are numerous aids for stopping, including nicotine replacement therapy to help address the nicotine addiction issue, but these still have nothing to do with the reasons behind why you are smoking. Quit Smoking Today is a program that is based on changing behavior and with it these reasons for why you are still smoking, when you really don't want to be. Their site discusses a test study of 5000 smokers using their program, and after 6 months from the start of the test, 97.2% of the participants were still not smoking.

Quit Smoking Today Program

This is a program for quitting through the use of Neuro Linguistic Programming. What is NLP as it is more commonly referred to. Well, to begin with, if you have ever heard of Tony Robbins or read any of his books, you know what NLP is and how effective it can be for making changes, and what change could be more important than quit smoking today.

Essentially NLP is an approach to making behavior changes through changing the relationship between the pattern of behavior and the individual. Through self-awareness and self-communication, the pattern can be broken and a change can be made.

Quit smoking today will work on your beliefs about how hard it is going to be to quit smoking - can you imagine how important it would be for quitting, if you could quit believing it was going to be so hard to quit smoking! NLP is successful because of how it connects with the unconscious mind - the mind which is more of a determinant of behavior than the conscious mind. So while consciously you really want to quit smoking today, your unconscious mind is letting you do so.

Why did you start smoking? Was it because you thought it would make you cool or look older - was it going to relax you or help you lose weight - was it going to make you more confident and look more distinguished? All these things and others may have played a role in your unconscious mind, while consciously you knew that you were going to risk your health and wellbeing instead.

But you started regardless, and you have continued regardless - it didn't matter what you consciously knew was the best thing to do. And when did it matter the least - every time you considered stopping and couldn't do it, as your unconscious mind strongly reinforced the underlying reasons for why you were smoking. And don't forget what nicotine was doing to you with its addictive properties to not let you quit smoking today every time you made the decision to do so.

So, it is Quit Smoking Today, through its use of NLP, that is intended to get the smoker to disconnect with the beliefs in the unconscious mind - having a burning, smoking 'cancer' stick hanging out your mouth doesn't make you cooler. And while you come to disregard false beliefs about smoking like these, you are going to be able to connect with what you know consciously to be the facts. You are going to be able to believe replace the cravings and mood swings with how great you are going to feel when you quit smoking - you are going to be able to quit smoking today.


Quit Smoking Today Using NLP

By Barry Lutz
Expert Author Barry Lutz

NLP, or neuro-linguistic programming, is a method of making change that is based on modeling and reproducing desirable results and behavioral patterns. NLP is based on the idea that perceptions may be skewed or filtered through different things like the senses, personal experiences, beliefs, and values. These altered perceptions influence how people act. NLP facilitates making changes in conscious thought and action that is controlled by the unconscious perception.

NLP is about understanding that everyone has an internal map, or programming that is influenced by what we see and what we say. These maps can not only influence behaviors, but can restrict perception of possible outcomes and solutions. NLP helps modify the individual's perception, in order to interrupt the typical of pattern of perception followed by behavior, and with this a change can be made.

NLP gives a model for understanding your unconscious thought pattern. Through modeling one can reproduce things that others can do well, as well as come to understanding your own limiting beliefs that are holding you back, or keeping you from making change.

NLP uses anchoring as a way of changing behavior through your state of mind. This works in the same context as classical conditioning - do you remember hearing about Pavlov's dog? Pavlov would provide food to a dog, which would in turn make it salivate. However, at the same time he would ring a bell. After time the dog would salivate simply by hearing the bell ring - it had been anchored to the sound, which in turn gave a conditioned response.

So, anchors can be thought of as different stimuli that bring on a response. You might walk into someone's kitchen and smell something cooking that immediately makes you think of something from your childhood. Or you may hear an old song and immediately start thinking about your first girlfriend or boyfriend.

These are all involuntary anchors, the stimuli were presented randomly, and although it triggered a behavior, this was not done intentionally. However, anchors can be established to produce an action that it has been conditioned to, for instance how the dogs were conditioned to salivate from hearing a bell.

Now consider programming and anchoring in the context of how you began smoking, also with the use of NLP modeling to make changes to the behavior through re-programming, and with it a cessation of smoking. Why did you start smoking, do you think you just woke up one morning and said that you think you will start smoking today?

Far more likely, you started smoking because it unconsciously came to represent something that you wanted, and the act of lighting a cigarette anchored you to that outcome. For instance, you believed that cigarette smoking would relax you, or as a kid someone you thought was really cool smoked, so you thought that by smoking you would become cool.

NLP recognizes that lighting the cigarette was the anchor to the desired action, that of being relaxed or being cool - you have programmed and conditioned your unconscious into believing this. And as you continued smoking you further anchored it to something else; it becomes part of your routine where you do one thing, and it leads to you also lighting a cigarette.

For instance, that morning cup of coffee where you take that first sip and that is followed by lighting the cigarette - could it actually be suggested that the coffee was an anchor for smoking, and if you didn't have the coffee you also wouldn't have had that cigarette, and in turn create non-smoking anchors by breaking a pattern or association?

Smoking has a physiological and psychological aspect to it. Some people cannot quit because they become physically addicted to nicotine. But even if this is not the case, they still cannot quit because they have developed a psychological need or have conditioned themselves to want to smoke.

There are many quit smoking aids available like patches, gums, sprays and nicotine replacement therapy. These might be very useful for working through nicotine addiction, but it is not going to break the habit and conditioning involved with the mental reasons for smoking, and thus the person continues to smoke.

You know you shouldn't smoke. All of the health risks and huge costs involved are undeniable, yet you smoke anyway - you are psychologically conditioned to do so from the continued mental reinforcement of the reasons why you started.

NLP helps with smoking cessation by eliminating the cravings for cigarettes by replacing the anchors for why you smoke with those for why you don't want to smoke - much like you were conditioned to smoke, you become conditioned not to smoke. And one NLP program that was specifically designed for smoking is Quit Smoking Today.

Quit Smoking Today was developed by Rob Mellor, who is an expert in Neuro-Lingusistic Programming. The program is intended to help you quit permanently, and do so without the cravings and withdrawal side effects that are associated with quitting smoking. Quit Smoking Today cites a tremendous success rate through a test of 5000 smokers trying this program, with 97.2% of these people still not smoking over 6 months after the test began.

Mark Twain was quoted as saying, "quitting smoking is easy, I've done it a thousand times". And how indicative of the problem - it is easy to quit smoking, it is continuing not to smoke that becomes so tremendously difficult. And why is this the case? Because, until the psychological reasons and the conditioning for why you smoke are eliminated, you will continue to revert back to smoking - the combination of NLP and Quit Smoking Today have been designed to eliminate those reasons.


How Can You Quit Smoking Today? Review of Quit Smoking Today

By Jere Moline
Expert Author Jere Moline

Smoking is a habit and an addiction that has been developed by some people for reasons like, stress, pressure, oral fixation and a whole lot of others. Fact is, even the smokers themselves do realize how horrible the effect of cigarettes and tobacco is in their bodies. The sad truth is, it is a very hard habit to quit.

If you have been smoking for quite some time, maybe a few months or even years, breaking the habit is not the easiest thing to do. Most especially, if you have already incorporated smoking with the daily things that you do it makes it even harder. For example, if it has become a habit of yours to smoke after eating or maybe before going to sleep, it becomes difficult to break the habit because you have incorporated smoking in your daily routine. What makes it harder is the fact that nicotine is truly addictive and once you have it in your system your body craves it.

The difficulty of quitting smoking is addressed with a product on the market that's called, Quit Smoking Today - Amazing Secret That Guarantees You'll Stop Smoking Today. This is among the top rated products when it comes to dealing with the problems related to smoking.

There are other methods to help you get rid of the addiction but really, if you need close support then Quit Smoking Today will provide you with the information on how you can quit smoking. Rob Mellor based the information in Quit Smoking Today on his experience and expertise as a psychotherapist. So, Quit Smoking Today is not just made up of inefficient techniques because they are actually based on research and studies.

What is interesting about his program is that it does not rely solely on chemical processes of getting rid of your addiction. What it targets is your subconscious so that you'll be able to control your craving and desire to light up a cigarette. It is more like a process of hypnosis and changing your perception and mindset so smoking becomes less desirable and you end up not wanting to do it.

The good thing about Quit Smoking Today is that it you don't experience withdrawal. Some other methods can actually make you stop smoking but it makes you undergo withdrawal and often times when this happens, the tendency is to just go back to smoking because it is too hard to quit. In other cases, people are able to stop smoking but they end up finding a new vice which is not exactly the right way to deal with the problem. Quit Smoking Today will teach you what the right solution is.


Quit Smoking Today in 3 Easy Steps

By Alexandru Matei
Expert Author Alexandru Matei

Most smokers that have tried to quit realized that they aren't able to do it without any professional help. There is one thing you need to make clear in your mind before you even think about quitting smoking : Do you really want to quit? Or is it just something that you have on your mind for quite a while? If your health condition isn't a good one then I'd recommend you quit right away. Cigarettes do affect every part of your body, including your respiratory system, cardiac-vascular system, nerves etc.

Actually no matter the reason is-- you need to quit smoking. It is your decision and it's one of the best you can make. One of the key factors when you try to quit smoking is by being able to trick your mind. Your unconscious mind has been wrongly taught by you that smoking makes you feel better or makes you more confident, which is untrue. Therefore you need professional advice and use hypnotherapy or NLP. One such program available now is The Quit Smoking Today program which I'd highly recommend. It worked for thousands and thousands of smokers already.

Always remember that you're quitting for yourself and not for anyone else. Not even your partner. No influence you or your strategy you apply to quit smoking cigarettes except a professional. People will still love or hate you the way you are, with or without your smoking habit. Think about it.

There are two simple steps when you want to quit smoking for good. The decision, the approach and the actual act!

1. The decision is quite easy to make, basically it's just in your mind. Do not go for weeks saying that you're going to quit, you'll make things a lot worse. It's always better to try 10 different methods to quit smoking rather than trying nothing and continuing to smoke. So you've made the decision..you really want to quit.

2. The approach: There are tens if not hundreds of smoking aids available today. Ranging from the electronic cigarette to patches or nicotine gum which you may already have tried. A special and different system to quit smoking is the Quit Smoking Today program. Hypnotherapy and NLP have been so successful for ages now, unfortunately people aren't too familiar with such methods.

3. Act. If you're reading this you should definitely have a look at the Quit Smoking Today Program [http://www.smoking-aid.info/quit-smoking-aids-the-quit-smoking-today-program]!

If you really want to quit smoking today and learn how to kick this habit out of your life using our tips and suggestions to their fullest with great results in less than a week please visit my web site below. Stop smoking quickly and easily today using the one tested, proven and simplest method on the web - The Quit Smoking Today Program!


Quit Smoking Aid - The Quit Smoking Today NLP Program

By Alexandru Matei
Expert Author Alexandru Matei

The unhealthy habit of smoking is more and more widespread these days and most people are still not aware of high risks of developing certain severe illnesses and even cancers from smoking.

Most people fail to quit smoking and you might be in the same situation. One of the main reasons is because you aren't choosing the right quit smoking aid that will guarantee your success whilst your will power and determination is definitely the main key! Most individuals I've seen struggling to quit relapsed after their first few attempts so you're aren't alone. Becoming smoke-free without seeking for professional help is pretty impossible unless you're the type of 'quitting cold-turkey' and you might already have done it a few times before.

What's the point in quitting cigarettes just for a certain period of time? There is NO point at all. I would recommend you try the Quit Smoking Today program. A guaranteed aid that is based on hypnotherapy and NLP created by Rob Mellor an expert in Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is a pretty new branch of psychotherapy that will help you quit smoking without having to suffer the horrible cravings and nicotine withdrawals.

The Quit Smoking Today is a complete MP3 audio file (38minutes long). The main idea of the program is to help you to quit for good without having to suffer from cravings or the withdrawal symptoms. As far as I know and what the author claims that over 5000 people worldwide have used this technique successfully. Meanwhile relapsing is out of the equation.

Do not get tricked into thinking that the Quit Smoking Today program is some kind of smoking aid miracle because it isn't. You need to follow the guide correctly and comprehend the entire audio recording in order to quit smoking systematically.

Alexandru is an expert in the health and wellness field. If you want to know more about Quit Smoking Hypnosis [http://www.smoking-aid.info/quit-smoking-aids-the-quit-smoking-today-program] visit this webpage: Quit Smoking Aids: The Quit Smoking Today Program [http://www.smoking-aid.info/quit-smoking-aids-the-quit-smoking-today-program]


Quit Smoking Today Review

By Thomas K
Expert Author Thomas K

With the Quit Smoking Today program, you will lose your desire to smoke after the first session. Subsequent sessions will reinforce the powerful message and keep you from wanting to smoke for longer periods of time. Once you begin this stop smoking regimen you will discover how the power of your mind is much stronger than the power of the addictive chemicals in cigarettes. The psychotherapy method in Quit Smoking Today uses new techniques that help to reduce your desire to smoke immediately.

1. You Know Why You Should Quit.

It's no secret that there are many health benefits to quitting smoking. Quit Smoking Today includes an extensive list of those benefits, and some of them may surprise you. Some of the interesting benefits are that only 8 hours after you stop smoking your body's carbon monoxide level becomes normal again, and after not smoking for just 3 days the risk of a heart attack is reduced dramatically. This program will help you increase your health - and it will save you money because you won't need to buy cigarettes anymore.

2. Easy To Use.

Quit Smoking Today is an audio file that is in the common mp3 format. It can be played on any standard CD player, which means you can take it with you in the car or listen in the office or at home. If you'd rather put it on your mp3 player, it can be uploaded to your computer at home. If you listen regularly, your desire to smoke will decrease steadily until you no longer find yourself wanting to smoke anymore at all.

3. Permanently Eliminates Cravings.

The method used in the Quit Smoking Today system involves a type of psychotherapy that has been proven to work as a habit-breaking program. The techniques on the recordings are effective at reducing cravings substantially, and they work after just one listening session. You don't really need to do anything other than listen, and your brain will take care of the rest. This system allows you to stop smoking without the negative side effects that usually accompany quitting, like gaining weight and irritability.


5 Powerful Reasons to Make You Quit Smoking Today

By Julie Andres

Even if there are numerous stop smoking reviews online, each year thousands of individuals die because of the complications brought about by constant smoking. Other powerful reasons you should quit smoking today are:

1. Not only is it killing you but you are also contributing to the death of our environment. Numerous stop smoking reviews sites have indicated that the smoke you exhale contributes to the air pollution that damages it. Individually you might be exhaling an insignificant quantity of carbon monoxide into the air, but in your entire lifetime you might be producing enough carbon monoxide to destroy a square inch of the ozone layer. Think of how much damage smoking has caused to the environment if we factor in the millions who smoke each year and the millions who died because of it. Several stop smoking reviews on the internet encourage that you quit smoking today to help preserve our environment.

2. Quit smoking today! You do not want to be labeled a murderer or a killer. Statistics from different stop smoking reviews sites show that second hand smoke is just as dangerous. Not only are you killing yourself but you are also killing others. You are no different from convicted criminals who slaughter people without reservation. The difference is that you kill smoothly and slowly without others realizing what you are actually doing.

3. Different stop smoking reviews point out early deaths for constant smokers. Indeed, you have to quit smoking today, if you are not prepared to lose your life because of a vice. There are still more important matters that you could attend to, maybe you did not get that promotion you wanted, or that vacation you dreamed of, how about seeing your kids grow up or enjoying time with your grandchildren not to mention all the different satisfactions that smoking can not offer quite the contrary it stops you.

4. One of the most frequent problem you can read in many stop smoking reviews sites deals with money. Think of the savings that you can make if you quit smoking today. One smoker decided to stop smoking pronto and he calculated that he saved more than $3,000 dollars a year. If you are in your 40's and you add another 40 years because you quit smoking today, that would amount to $120,000 in savings, this amount is more than enough to cover an extravagant memorial service for you.

5. You can also save your love ones from enough worries which could complicate their physical and mental health. According to different articles posted in some stop smoking reviews pages, smoking discourages healthy relationships among family members and friends. Refusing their advice to quit smoking today is tantamount to refusing or denying the love and care that they manifest towards you. It pains people when their love and care is rejected by somebody. In addition, non-smokers close to you will avoid you every time that you smoke. Thus, depriving each other of time that should be spent on developing and maintaining healthy relationships with people around us.

Giving smoking tips is not very easy especially if the smoker has already sunk deeper into the pits of smoking. Moreover, it is not enough that we offer broad statements on why they should quit smoking today. Stop smoking reviews should offer concrete reasons in terms of quantifying and qualifying the damage or losses that one gets with smoking. Doing this might help smoker to reconsider their options and seek help. Sometimes, it takes a brutally frank statement to make a person open his eyes and mind to seriously consider counseling and advice.


How Much Would You Save If You Would Quit Smoking Today?

By Julie Andres

One of the ill effects of smoking is lung cancer; no smoker is exempted from this risk. Stop smoking reviews sites revealed that men who smoke are 23 times more likely to develop lung cancer and women smokers are 13 times more likely to acquire this condition. Lung cancer is an expensive disease. One study indicated that the cost of treating it with drugs for an 18 week course is $80,000. Furthermore, another study indicated that chemotherapy for lung cancer, regardless of stage, is equivalent to $40,000.

Adding the two, you arrive at $120,000 cost of treatment and there is no guarantee that you get any kind of extension to your lifespan. If you quit smoking today, besides saving your life you will save money, on top of the daily savings, from refraining buying your daily pack of cigarettes. As one stop smoking reviews site emphasized, the statistics are rising.

The problem with smoking is that when a complication arises, it is always accompanied by another. Some stop smoking reviews pointed out that 3 smokers out of 5 are suffering from more than two complications because of smoking.

Aside from lung cancer, smokers are exposed to several heart diseases. In some cases, the two are inseparable, for most patients who have a history of constant smoking. If you quit smoking today, you will make savings of more than $60,000, which is the most probable cost of heart surgery. In addition, if you stop smoking at a young age, the cost of dealing with possible strokes amounts to $500,000, and if you quit later, the lifetime cost amounts around $100,000.

Granting you will have both complications (lung cancer and heart disease), if you quit smoking today by the time you reach your 40's you will be at least $280,000 richer or $680,000 depending on your age. The amount is more than enough to fund additional stop smoking reviews sites to promote a more healthier life style.

If you don't quit smoking today, you will not only suffer major complications like lung cancer and heart related diseases, you will also have bad breath issues and gum problems. In a stop smoking reviews article, someone pointed out that the cost of treating both can amount to $10,000 without insurance.

Mind you, problems never stop coming if you do not quit smoking today. The amount does not include expenses for stop gap measures like hiding these problems with breath fresheners, menthol candies and analgesics among others. The life cost of purchasing these items can be twice as much as treating the problem medically.

Based on the estimates mentioned above, you can just imagine how richer you will be if you quit smoking today. The estimates can reach as high as $1million dollars. You can start to quit smoking today by reading helpful articles from different stop smoking reviews sites on the internet.

Or have your secretary print and compile those stop smoking reviews articles so you can review them every day to remind yourself of the benefits of a smoke free life. There are other unquantifiable costs if you don't quit smoking today. A stop smoking reviews site commented that ill effects of smoking that cannot be quantified are more painful to handle than effects that have price tags. Other stop smoking reviews further added that some of the ill effects of smoking are not recognizable unless there is loss involved.

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